Archive for May, 2009

Bell to Bell

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2009 58 Comments

I’ve been trying to write a post about the Delaware Education Association‘s Bell to Bell Week and I’ve been stimied. Teachers throughout Delaware (except Delmar — thanks News Journal) are only working from the start of classes to the end of classes — bell to bell — to protest Gov. Markell’s proposed pay cut for […]

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Donviti Interview Tip #11

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009 5 Comments

Do not shave with a NEW razor the morning of said interview

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Recession FYI

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009 6 Comments

Once the banks start making a profit again.  The country is fixed. There, there (patting baby Uncle Sam’s head) it’s all better.

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A PSA For Our Friends In Pennsylvania

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009 1 Comment

Today is primary election day in Pennsylvania. I know some of our readers are from Pennsylvania, so here is information from the Philadelphia Inquirer: Here’s some basic information on balloting, and where to turn for help: * Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Anyone in line at 8 p.m. will be […]

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Gallup: Republicans Are Tanking

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009 49 Comments

There are new poll results out from Gallup about partisan identification, and it’s not good news for Republicans. The decline in Republican Party affiliation among Americans in recent years is well documented, but a Gallup analysis now shows that this movement away from the GOP has occurred among nearly every major demographic subgroup. Since the […]

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Secret Government in Session in Dover

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2009 36 Comments

Nancy Cook and the Joint Finance Committee began its budget markup yesterday, free, for hopefully the last time, from the disinfectant of sunshine. Virtually all of it took place behind closed doors, according to the News-Journal’s J. L. Miller. Allegedly an ‘Orientation’ session, as if 12 veteran legislators with decades of JFC experience required any […]

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Remember when #208

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009 3 Comments

Remember when we were buying duct tape and tarps to seal our windows and protect us from a dirty bomb?

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The One Good Thing About Michael Newbold Castle

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 24 Comments

…is that he does not think crazy people should be allowed to purchase guns at gun shows. (Yes A1, I know it is window dressing, but still.) ALSO…I find it strange that not wanting crazy people to be able to purchase guns at gun shows would put you at odds with wingnuts, but there you […]

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Rick Perry: I Was Just Kiddin’ About That Secession Stuff

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 3 Comments

When we last heard from Rick Perry, Republican governor of Texas, he was at a “Tea Party” saying this: “There’s a lot of different scenarios,” Perry said. “We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows […]

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New Yorker article on Chief Justice Roberts

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 0 Comments

Definitely worth a read if you have the time: The differences between Roberts and Obama include such issues as abortion and affirmative action, but they extend beyond such familiar legal battlegrounds to what Roberts called, in his Tucson speech, “the nature of the Court itself.” “When Justice Rehnquist went on the Court, a minority of […]

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Why Don’t I Watch The View?

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 10 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] I know they get painted as fluff, but I remember them asking the tough questions during the 2008 Presidential campaign.

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Supreme Court Rejects Ban on Medical Marijuana

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 3 Comments

And who’s to say it’s not for medicinal purposes?  The Supreme Court today struck down appeals from two holdout California counties that had opposed the lifting of the state’s ban on medical marijuana. The action likely will clear the way for patients in San Diego and San Bernardino counties to seek county-issued identification cards that […]

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Shorter definition of Christianyish

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 11 Comments
Shorter definition of Christianyish

comment rescue: anonone pandora, get with the program. Real Christians hate gays and spend money on breast implants. Ahhhhh, just the way God made her.

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