Archive for May, 2009

What Does the Insurance Commissioner Do?

Filed in Delaware by on May 18, 2009 28 Comments

I mean other than walk around the Democratic convention shaking hands with people during the Governor’s remarks, what doe she do? I thought she was being paid to run the Insurance Commissioner’s Office. I must have been wrong about that though since they are sending out an RFP asking for a “managment consultant” to …you […]

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on May 18, 2009 3 Comments

Governments around the world are getting more savvy about excluding journalists from war zones. The US Government partly blamed its failure in Vietnam on the freedom of the press rather than on its military strategy. That led to me being banned from reporting the Falklands war. I had dinner recently with some senior military men […]

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Rick Jenson….exaggerator in chief

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 15 Comments

While listening to WDEL Rick said that there were 7 to 800 people at the teabagging event he attended on April 15th. Not sure which event he was at, but the one I saw Rick at he was leading his 2 minutes of hate to round 300 people. hmmmmmm, wonder what else he exaggerates….

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Shorter GOP #1205

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 7 Comments

Trial Lawyers bad and Deregulation good Unions bad and Free Market good All Spending is out of control except Defense spending The rich create jobs and small business people are the backbone of our economy

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The Cost Of Being Poor

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 24 Comments

As a city resident I have a corner store several blocks from my home.  While it has a steady flow of pedestrian traffic it isn’t located in the best of neighborhoods.  But that’s not why I don’t pop in for a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread.  I don’t patronize the store because […]

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Blevins is the Key.

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 8 Comments

In the battle to petition HB5 out of the Executive Committee, we need 11 Senators to sign on. We have eight at this moment. The current thinking is that is Majority Whip Patty Blevins signs on, she may bring with her Hall-Long and Katz. So email and Senator Blevins (, (302) 744-4133) And let’s work […]

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Ramone/Peterson Bill to Cut NCCo Council to 9 from 13

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 7 Comments

Community News reports… The bill also would eliminate the elected office of County Council President. Instead, the president would be selected from among the three at-large members by all nine council members. If Karen Peterson thinks it is a good idea, it deserves consideration. If they are cutting Bill Bell off from the gravy trail, […]

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David Anderson tries to act sane and pass off as a regular citizen

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 4 Comments

Jesus….do these nutjobs never get censored at the News Journal First, Rep. John Kowalko proposes tripling our taxes with a single payer/player health scheme, and now he thinks that taxpayers need to sacrifice more to pay for years of older spending. Kowalko proposes massive increases in the gas tax and personal income tax, just so […]

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The Bigot Who Cried Wolf.

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 15 Comments

Back in late 2002-early 2003, when the Senate Democratic Caucus met to determine their leaders, Senator Thurman Adams threatened to bolt the caucus, along with Bob Venables and George Bunting, to align with the Republicans if Adams was defeated in a caucus vote for President Pro-Tem. Since the Senate composition at that time was 13 […]

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Donviti Interview Tip #28

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 3 Comments

Do NOT attempt to pop any pimples < 12 hours out

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Liberal Blogger Gets Big-Time Gig

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 2 Comments

Congrats to Ezra Klein, whose ‘Tapped’ blog over at The American Prospect  has been ‘bulo must-reading for some time now. He will now write for the Washington Post. The Beast Who Slumbers wants to share these inspirational words from Klein’s farewell post. Because it demonstrates the potential and power of the blogosphere: But we’ve also learned […]

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GOP Recruitment of Castle Failing?

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 46 Comments

From the News Journal: “I’ve been calling him and e-mailing him and I’ve been encouraging my other colleagues to call him and e-mail him and go by and visit him,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “I got sort of an indication the other day we ought to […]

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Joe Biden’s Revenge?

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 7 Comments

The New York Times‘s Maureen Dowd has admitted to “inadvertently” plagiarizing from Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo. Maureen Dowd, if you remember, exposed Joe Biden’s plagiarism in 1987. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, in an email to Huffington Post, admits that a paragraph in her Sunday column was lifted from Talking Points Memo […]

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