Archive for May, 2009

Question(s) of the Day

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 21 Comments

Why is the press focusing more on what Nancy Pelosi might or might not have been briefed on than on what war criminals Cheney, Bush, and their malodorous malefactors might or might not have done when it comes to torture? And, what will it take for the press to focus on what now appear to […]

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Research Trip to Kauai

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 6 Comments

I just got an incredible deal on tickets to Kauai for the summer, so I plan to do some research on Dave Burris’ assertion that we should all take up shovels against paying for roadwork. The story goes like this: There was a flood that washed out a bridge to the Polihale State park in […]

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Republican National Committee Credibility Hangs on Castle Decision

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 17, 2009 8 Comments

Celia thinks that the RNC is pinning its hope for an electoral resurgence on Congressman Mike “However” Castle. David Winston, a Republican pollster brought in to speak to the convention, made the case. “This is a tide turner. It’s essential if we’re going to turn momentum around and get people in the rest of the […]

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Obama’s Notre Dame Speech

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 4 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] Here’s the part of the speech concerning abortion, where so much of the controversy was occurring. It’s very wise and well written. Will the anti-abortion crowd reach out to him? As I considered the controversy surrounding my visit here, I was reminded of an encounter I had during my Senate campaign, […]

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Shorter Rush Limbaugh and GOP

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 4 Comments


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Shorter Dick Cheney

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 0 Comments


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Question of the Night

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 11 Comments

Who is worse, Cheney or Rumsfeld? I know it’s probably bad form to link to the same article twice in one day, but the GQ Rumsfeld article is full of interesting tidbits. The article discusses how Rumsfeld could delay decisions he didn’t like and how he would participate in turf wars with other agencies. I […]

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Shorter Art Downs

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 2 Comments


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Must reading for all

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 6 Comments

If you haven’t read Frank Rich today, do so before or after you watch 60 minutes tonight…but not during ut Draper’s biggest find is a collection of daily cover sheets that Rumsfeld approved for the Secretary of Defense Worldwide Intelligence Update, a highly classified digest prepared for a tiny audience, including the president, and often […]

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Quote Of The Day

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 7 Comments

But one of the things I’ve actually been encouraged by—and I learned during the campaign—was the American people, I think, not only have a toleration but also a hunger for explanation and complexity, and a willingness to acknowledge hard problems. I think one of the biggest mistakes that is made in Washington is this notion […]

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It’s All About Competition Until They Have To Actually, You Know, Compete

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 13 Comments

When It comes to health Insurance… health insurance companies have no incentive to offer a good product at a fair price.  Not only do they see nothing wrong in peddling crap, they want us to defend and protect their right to peddle crap.  How they wrap gouging in the American Flag while screaming socialism escapes […]

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State Branding QOD

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 7 Comments

Why does Maryland have it’s own font (Garamond #5) but Delaware doesn’t have a font?

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Why the Bush Years Just Won’t Go Away

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 14 Comments
Why the Bush Years Just Won’t Go Away

The biggest criticisms of Obama from the left have been about his policies regarding continuation of some of the Bush state secrets policies. He seems to be going back on a campaign promise to be open and accountable to the American people. Although I strongly disagree with many of his decisions, I think I understand […]

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