Archive for May, 2009

Help me figure something out

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 16 Comments

I’m trying to make a list of things that are ok and not ok with the Christian Conservative part of the GOP NOT OK: Abortion Regulation Global Warming Evolution Gay marriage Health Care for all Public Education Socialism OK: War Torture Usury Offshore Corporate Tax Shelters Vouchers Subsidies Deregulation Privatizing Military What Else am I […]

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-May 17 Edition

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 24 Comments

LEAD STORY: The (UK) Guardian: Wingnuts’ Ultimate Fate…To Be Eaten By Liberals? It’s happened once before! Now, it all becomes clearer to El Somnambulo. Vegetarianism is but a sinister plot by the wingnuts to prevent a repeat of what happened to their predecessors, the Neanderthals:  One of science’s most puzzling mysteries – the disappearance of the […]

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A Difference Between the Parties

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 13 Comments
A Difference Between the Parties

To designate the seating sections for the various representative districts, counties and subdivisions at the Democratic convention, we had only a piece of paper with the name on it attached to the back of a seat. And that is perfectly fine. I rather my party not waste on fancy signs when it could go to […]

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They Are The GOP

Filed in Delaware by on May 17, 2009 11 Comments
They Are The GOP

Below is a photo from a workshop at the Delaware GOP Convention yesterday on how to rebuild the GOP. Do you notice any similarities between this photo and the Republican National Convention this past summer? Click on the image below to see a larger version of it.

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Delaware Politics suffers a schism.

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 32 Comments

Earlier this evening, FrankKnotts, a new (to me) contributor over at Delaware Politics posted a rather graphic and yet false description of abortion procedures. It has since been deleted by Burris, but I was able to save it from my Google Reader. But I won’t post it here. Suffice it to say, here is Joanne […]

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Community Feedback

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009 14 Comments
Community Feedback

We here at Delaware Liberal are preparing to upgrade the site design. It is coming soon, but not immediately. Part of that site redesign is a possible redesign of our logo. The current logo and the secondary logo have been in use for a year now. We may not change it, or we may just […]

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Gay Don’t Pay — Updated!

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 2 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] h/t Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog UPDATE: Our own MJ inaugurates a New Feature on his blog and has some additional schooling for Steele.

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My Thoughts on the Convention.

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 5 Comments

Why was it held? Seriously. Why? I went to the convention anticipating high drama. A floor fight over U.I.’s torture resolution. Perhaps multiple ballots on the party chair races. What did I get? I got shouted at by Auctioneer Tom Carper. I saw a party chair so disorganized that it made me wonder if he […]

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Delaware Democratic Convention Wrap-Up: Delegate’s View

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2009 10 Comments

Well, I’m back from the Delaware Democratic convention. It was an interesting time. A little more chaotic than I expected, but really no fireworks. The atmosphere pre-convention was really quite intense, with delegates really getting lobbied on the leadership race. I felt like I wanted to hide for a while, really. Here are the outcomes: […]

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Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 10 Comments

Who’s number one bitches?

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No Live Blog of the DE GOP Convention?

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 24 Comments
No Live Blog of the DE GOP Convention?

It seems Castle just announced that he will run for the Senate seat being vacated by Kaufman. photo credit: Delawarepolitics

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Delaware Democratic Convention LIVEBLOG II

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 58 Comments

All the media and guests just got kicked out of the room. Daniello is right here asking “where is he, he is probably in there.” He is probably talking about McG. So UI and Geek are our only moles on the inside right now. They will comment here. And you can follow their twitter feeds […]

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Breaking: Obama to Name Republican Guv as Ambassador to China

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009 4 Comments

If you’re seeking to do away with your potential political rivals, you could do worse than sending them on a long sojourn to China. CNN is reporting that:  President Obama has selected Republican Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. to be his ambassador to China, sources tell CNN. Huntsman, who speaks Mandarin Chinese and has adopted […]

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