Archive for May, 2009

Deep Electioneering Thought II

Filed in National by on May 15, 2009 17 Comments

I can’t believe some Delaware Democrats are going to vote for a guy who started a third party in order to try and defeat Mike Barbieri.

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Quote of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on May 15, 2009 1 Comment

Now we are seeing the credit card banks — one of Delaware’s most important industries — pleading poor mouth and dire financial straits if Congress put a cap on the top interest rates they charge customers. And in typical Delaware Way special interest response, Sens. Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman voted against the idea. [snip] […]

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“This Session of New Castle County Council Has Been Bought and Paid For By…”

Filed in National by on May 15, 2009 27 Comments

Just when you think the ethically-challenged members of New Castle County Council can’t look worse than they already do, they prove that you thought wrong. According to Associated Press, WPVI-TV, and WDEL (anyone missing there?), New Castle County has voted to allow paid advertising on the Council website. The story is sketchy. ‘Bulo tried in […]

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I Will Hold My Nose and Vote for Daniello

Filed in Delaware by on May 15, 2009 22 Comments

I have a distinct lack of enthusiasm for both candidates for leadership of the Delaware Democratic party. However, I am going to vote for John Daniello. The party has had great success under Daniello, with Democrats now controlling the governorship, the state House and Senate and every major elected position. He has been able to […]

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Donviti Interview Tip #83

Filed in National by on May 15, 2009 6 Comments

Prior to an interview eliminate your uni-brow as well as nose and ear hair.

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What Tom Carper Does Not Get

Filed in National by on May 15, 2009 3 Comments

He does not get that being the Bank’s cabana boy is hurting the economy.

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Not Just Words

Filed in Delaware by on May 15, 2009 18 Comments

I have been playing tourist this week with my brother, visiting me from Tennessee. One of the places we visited was Independence Hall, the birthplace of American democracy. As the park ranger told the story about the making of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, he highlighted how radical the documents were for their […]

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Deep Electioneering Thought

Filed in National by on May 15, 2009 6 Comments

If someone told me that beating Mike Castle and reducing Tom Carper’s influence in the Party was going to be their all consuming passion, I’d be more inclined to support them.

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Bontrust Finance: Increase In Currency (Money love)

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 3 Comments

Very Funny.  Very NSFW!!! [youtube][/youtube]

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Rush Takes The “Obama Is Deliberately Destroying The Economy” Talking Point To New Lows

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 20 Comments

Not that he’ll be called out for this by Republicans (Sheesh, except for Smitty): “The [economic] deterioration reflects lower tax revenues and higher costs for bank failures, unemployment benefits and food stamps. But in the Oval Office of the White House none of this is a problem. This is the objective. The objective is unemployment. […]

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HB1 Petitioned Out?

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009 19 Comments

Just heard that Sen Karen Petersen got the 11 signatures to bring HB5 1 to the Senate floor.  The Senate immediately broke to caucus. That’s all I got and I’m not so sure of that — what have you heard? EDIT: I just heard via email that this is HB1 that got petitioned out — […]

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About Saturday

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009 45 Comments

As of this moment, I am still uncertain about for whom I will cast my vote in the Democratic Party Chair election.  I have had compelling conversations via email and phone with a number of people, including one of the candidates (and I expect the other to call soon).  People that I trust and care […]

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Top Ten GOP “Rebranding the Dems” Suggestions Not Used

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 26 Comments

10.  The Democrat Fetus Killing Party  9.  The Democrat No Birth Certificate Showing Party  8.  The Demoncrat Party  7. The Democrat National Socialist Party 6. The Party Like You Just Don’t Care Party 5. The Democrat Midnight Basketball Party  4. The Democrat Evil Tax Badness Party  3. The Swine Flu Party  2. The Gonna Take […]

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