Archive for May, 2009

OMG! Teabagging 2.0 is Happening Today!

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 9 Comments
OMG!  Teabagging 2.0 is Happening Today!

OMG! And we’re missing it! According to Politico, TeaBag Parties 2.0 is on for today via a tele-town hall. They are expecting 30K people at this one, which doesn’t say much about their “grassroots” organizing — this number ought to be bigger than the 200K or so you got on 15 April, guys. Plus what […]

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Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 31 Comments

Check out this awesome GOP talking points generator. Or discuss your favorite GOP meltdown story of the week.   Was it the FL Senate Charlie Crist announcement being greeted by conservative jeers?  Was it the Dick Cheney kicking Powell out of the GOP?    How about the “rebranding” of Dems?   Maybe there are others […]

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School Board Elections By The Numbers

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009 70 Comments

First let’s look at the total number of voters per district.  Please keep in mind that some elections featured multiple races, so don’t add the numbers together.  For instance, a total of 2,163 people voted in Red Clay. Brandywine:  1,030 Red Clay:  District C – 2,163  and District E – 2,163 Appoquinimink:  579 Christina:  District […]

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Changing the Language

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 16 Comments

After reading yesterday’s post about how the Republican Party is going to vote on a resolution to rename the Democratic Party to the “Democrat Socialist Party,” I realized how much Republicans have changed our language, just in 8 short years. Did you know that… “spreading democracy” now means invading another country “Clear Skies” means allowing […]

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on May 14, 2009 12 Comments

Like most Americans, we have not yet seen the images [new torture photos] and don’t know what they’ll portray. But until they’re made public, they seem likely only to inflame the imaginations of America’s friends and enemies. The worst will be assumed. And let’s not forget Obama’s promise, on his second day in office, to […]

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Political Reporting for Sale!! Come and Get it!!

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 23 Comments

HEY Delaware politicos…. Do you want to buy some soft press treatment for yourself or your candidate of choice? Only $5,000 …CHEAP!! Here is what you get: Regular feature pieces also known as “backrubs” !! Softball questions at press conferences!! Hatchet jobs on your political opponents!!  The “Gold” listings that lazy readers love!! The veneer […]

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Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 32 Comments

Have you boycotted any products or companies in the past 90 days?

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“It’s easier to hit somebody than outsmart them.”

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 15 Comments

This was the response today of the FBI interrogator Ali Soufan to Sen Lindsay Graham’s quip that waterboarding must work since it has been around for hundreds of years. That is what was reported on NPR this evening, but not in any of the reported accounts I’ve looked at yet. But here’s McClatchy on this […]

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UPDATED: Drinking Liberally Special Announcement!!

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 29 Comments

Who is up for a “Drinking Liberally?” OKAY. Here is the deal. The next Drinking Liberally will be a very special Drinking Liberally fundraiser. We will passing the hat in order to RAISE $1.5 Million in order to buy Tom Carper’s vote back from the banks! That’s right. We want to RAISE $1.5 Million to […]

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Good night

Filed in National by on May 13, 2009 0 Comments


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Carper Does It Again: Chooses Banks Over People

Filed in National by on May 13, 2009 24 Comments

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ attempt to cap usurous interest rates on credit cards fell far short of passage today. The deliberative body that Sen. Richard Durbin referred to as ‘controlled by bankers’ easily beat back Sanders’ attempt to restore sanity to the credit card industry: The effort by Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, drew only […]

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Poll: Gambling

Filed in Delaware by on May 13, 2009 14 Comments


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John McCain’s Persuasion Skills.

Filed in National by on May 13, 2009 8 Comments

John McCain is reaching out to Republican Rep. Mike Castle to encourage him to run for Senate in 2010. He similarly reached out to former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to encourage him to run for Senate in 2010. And Tom Ridge promptly announced that he was not running for Senate.

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