Archive for May, 2009

Late Night Oddity: Swine Flu

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 0 Comments
Late Night Oddity: Swine Flu

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Comment Rescue: The Tithes They are a Changing

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 11 Comments

This comment from Political Observer is interesting… What this really adds up to in my view is that there has been a subtle shift in the political undercurrent that has long supported the Delaware Way. It was once the duPonts and Dupont itself. It has also been unions (at least upstate).Yet another period it was […]

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Circling the Drain

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 4 Comments

More stories in the ongoing slow-motion implosion of the Grand Old Party. From Florida: Florida GOPers look to Specter for inspiration conservative Republicans in Florida are speaking out against Crist and hoping his apostasy on the federal stimulus will open the door for a conservative to take him down. … There isn’t yet a chorus […]

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Hey Tom Carper….READ THIS

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 6 Comments

Matt Taibbi has a way with words: As for the credit card companies, fuck them. The biggest of them are engaged in one of the all-time great scams right now, gorging themselves on cheap money lent to them by the Fed or the government via bailout programs and then turning right around and further widening […]

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No Gay or Lesbian Jurists — The Bigotry Setup

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 4 Comments

John Thune: [C]onservative leaders have warned the nomination of a gay or lesbian justice could complicate Obama’s effort to confirm a replacement for Souter, and another Republican senator on Wednesday warned a gay nominee would be too polarizing. “I know the administration is being pushed, but I think it would be a bridge too far […]

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DELDOT’s Diversity Training Snafu Gets the (Falling) Star Treatment from AmericaBlog

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 7 Comments

‘Bulo actually shares John Aravosis’ sense that DELDOT was trying to do the right thing, but it all just went horriblyhorribly wrong. Perhaps some PR muckitymuck should have suggested that stringing together offensive stereotypes and then saying ‘don’t do this’ might lead to some embarrassing moments. And perhaps Aravosis, who runs one of America’s best […]

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My next new car will probably be a Ford

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 16 Comments

Now that purchase may be years from now, but I just feel inclined to buy American if possible.

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Cutting Tax Breaks for Ethanol

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 2 Comments

Good news that may reduce the incredibly stupid subsidy for corn ethanol: The Obama administration on Tuesday proposed renewable-fuel standards that could reduce the $3 billion a year in federal tax breaks given to producers of corn-based ethanol. The move sets the stage for a major battle between Midwest grain producers and environmentalists who say […]

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Deep Branding Thought

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 3 Comments

I’ll bet that socialists get really pissed off when they hear wingnuts say that President Obama is a socialist.

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Direct Lobbying

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 3 Comments

So you don’t have $1.5 million on hand to buy Senators. Neither did these guys. Watch the entire 6 minutes. Fascinating video from C-Span of the Senate Hearings on healthcare reform. Senator Max Baucus tries to quell a stream of protesters. As Personal Democracy Forum‘s Micah Sifry, who alerted me to this video explains, “At about […]

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SB1 Voted Out of Committee

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 8 Comments

DWA has excellent play by play live blogging. 250 pm: Now debating SB 58. This bill, in a nutshell, would mean that the AG’s office would have to start representing the citizens in FOIA requests as opposed to the state agency. This has been controversial the past few years. The AG’s office, when it receives […]

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Donviti PSA #29

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 26 Comments

When letting a friend borrow your laptop besure to clear the browser history

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Maine Legalizes Same Sex Marriage

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 9 Comments

The legislature of Maine approved a bill legalizing same sex marriage. Not just civil unions, but full marriage recognition. The governor signed it today, and this is significant because the governor was a supporter of civil unions only. There was some question whether he would sign. His statement: AUGUSTA – Governor John E. Baldacci today […]

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