Archive for May, 2009

Anna Quindlen’s Classy and Optimistic Goodbye to ‘Newsweek’

Filed in National by on May 4, 2009 4 Comments

It really doesn’t get any classier than this.  Reading submissions from outstanding young reporters vying for the Livingston Prize convinced Quindlen that new voices needed to be heard: The last bit of evidence arrived in the form of three binders of news clippings. Because all the submissions for the Livingston Awards have to come from […]

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What Does Mike Castle Like About Delaware…?

Filed in National by on May 4, 2009 6 Comments

The “Delaware Way” of course. “I’ve always thought, apart from all that, being from Delaware is fun and interesting because I’m one of seven members of the House who represents the entire state,” Castle said. “We just sort of go about our business and don’t have to worry about somebody nipping at our heels.” There […]

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teh awesome!

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 3 Comments

This compilation reel of last week’s talking heads is a keeper. I loved toward the end when Sean Hannity says that President Obama is the Republican’s greatest asset because he is more liberal than Europe. (Sniveling William Kristol obsequiously agrees!) Also good stuff about the “don’t call it a re-branding” effort.

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Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 4 Comments

Do you like feeling queezy? If so, read Digby on our awesome executive meritocracy.

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Carper & Castle To Hold Joint Campaign Event Monday

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 12 Comments

WDEL reports that Tom Carper and Mike Castle will co-host a campaign meet and greet/photo op in historic New Castle on Monday. Ostensibly to discuss plans for a National Park, Castle and Carper will be photographed with a giant novelty check in the foreground and the New Castle Presbyterian Church in the background.

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Hey Everyone, Look At Me!

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 32 Comments

As my inaugural post, I’d thought I’d post an interview with Delaware Liberal‘s newest contributor. Why you?  What are your qualifications? Well, I think Delaware Liberal wants to bring a diversity of voices and opinions.  I’m probably different than the regular contributors: I’m not a Delaware native or even a long-time Delaware resident.  I’m still […]

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Specter’s Cynical Machinations Open Door For Sestak

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 15 Comments

Specter’s position seem to be – I’ll be a Dem in order to avoid losing the Republican primary, but beyond that I’ll oppose President Obama at every turn. That’s good news for Joe Sestak who will not have to do much to be seen as the Democrat in the Democratic primary. Specter does not seem […]

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While in Church Funny Haha

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 12 Comments

So I went to church today and boy did I pick a mass to go to.  It was my daughter’s May Crowning.  Something that St. Hedwig still does.  It’s a nice ceremony, a little long especially since we brought baby squishy.  So, as mass is going along the first reading I think by Peter is […]

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Welcome DelawareLiberal’s Newest Contributor… Unstable Isotope

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 14 Comments

You already know the newest member fo the DL contributor list from the various beat downs and ass kickings that UI has laid on wingnuts trying to talk science. Now the patented Unstable Isotope brand pwnage of wingnuts will be a regular feature. With UI onboard, DL has all the pieces in place to take […]

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Ben Nelson Fights For The Underdog – Health Insurance Companies

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 4 Comments

Via The Now! Blog: Sen. Ben Nelson said Thursday that he will oppose the creation of a government-run health insurance plan as part of a health care overhaul, contrary to the position held by many of his fellow Democrats. Nelson, D-Neb., said he may try to assemble a coalition of like-minded centrists opposed to the […]

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-May 3

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 3 Comments

LEAD STORY-McClatchy Papers: U. S. Refugee Allies Face Deportation Due to Bush Administration Inertia Another serious mess left by the serial incompetents of the Bush Administration, this time featuring the sinister Michael Chertoff. WASHINGTON — Forced to flee his homeland because he supported America’s ideals, Tsegu Bahta thought he’d be embraced by the country he […]

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DE Blogger News

Filed in Delaware by on May 3, 2009 10 Comments

Brian Shields of The Mourning Constitution is now the Sussex County Chair of the Libertarian Party of Delaware. Congrats Brian. Now that your a politician, don’t go start hating bloggers. 😉

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Jack Kemp : July 13, 1935 – May 2, 2009

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009 6 Comments

Sad day for the GOP and the country. He was one of the last decent ones on the national stage. .

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