Words cannot express how upset Dr. Tiller’s assassination has made me. But I’m not shocked, which, in some ways, I find more unsettling. Everyone knew this was going to happen. Everyone knew. Funny, how easily the “ticking time bomb” scenario comes into play with this case, and yet, those that worship at the altar of “24” will now dismiss their own premise in favor of the single bullet theory.
Now, I’m all for free speech, but this idea that words are just words is nonsense. Words matter. Every revolution, war, movement and religion began with words. Words are what have driven us to pick up a sword and to lay it down. They incite and diffuse, and to pretend that they stand alone, and can’t be held accountable (accountable, not banned) is unbelievably simplistic and intellectually dishonest.
At this moment the Pro-Life movement is trying to distance itself from its rhetoric. They’re desperately pushing the “lone crazy person” argument. It’s not going to fly, and they probably should be concerned. (BTW, at what number does the “lone crazy person” argument stop being an excuse?) When you classify those that disagree with you as the enemy, as murderers, as people who must be stopped, you really have no right to act surprised when someone follows your words. And while Scott Roeder may have acted alone, he pulled the trigger in the name of a cause – a cause that will half heartedly condemn his act while justifying what he did in the name of the unborn.
Which is really why the Pro-Life movement should either embrace Roeder as their warrior or tone down their rhetoric. They simply can’t have it both ways. And, frankly, I’d appreciate a little consistency. Seriously, own your crusade. It’s extremely annoying to listen to all your fire and brimstone talk and, then, when something like this happens to have you turn into mealy-mouthed cowards who trip over yourselves in an attempt to throw one of your own under the bus. And Roeder is one of your own. If that makes you uncomfortable… too bad. For if you’re serious about condemning a murder, there’s no room for the word but in that sentence.
And if you disagree with what I’ve written here… ask yourself, were you surprised by Dr. Tiller’s murder? Did what happen to him hit you out of the blue, were you completely gobsmacked, or were you resigned to another inevitable attack against an abortion provider?
So, yes, Pro-Lifers can continue to say what they want, and I can continue to point out the terrorists putting actions to their words. And while Roeder has much in common with those that flew the planes on 9/11, the movement behind this lone gunman bears a striking resemblance to those dancing in the streets when the towers came down.
Don’t like that comparison? Then look in a mirror and change your appearance.