Delaware Liberal

Updated: Comment(s) Rescue: Delaware Politics

Noman, a commenter at Delaware Politics, makes a great point.  David A.’s response disturbs me greatly.  Is this really how Conservatives view women?

Noman:  If you say abortion is murder, you must propose laws that prosecute women who have abortions, and prosecute them for murder. If you don’t, you are admitting that abortion is something other than murder.

David A.:  It does not follow that I have to prosecute women to be consistent. I only have to prosecute the doctors and recognize the women as co victims.

Co-victims?  Is he really claiming that pregnant woman are somehow emotionally and mentally impaired? That they are incapable of making a decision and accepting responsibility for their actions?

Read the whole thread.  David dodges the question… but the question remains.

UPDATE: Obviously no one can answer this question… Furthermore, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of thinking going on.

Watch video HERE.

(h/t to Noman for finding this video)

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