Delaware Liberal

Judicial Filibuster Hypocrisy Watch

Remember the BushCo era judicial wars? The ones where Republicans lectured us all at length about how filibustering judicial nominees is unconstitutional? Well, if you don’t remember, Media Matters has gone through the CSPAN archives to remind you of many of those lectures. At Democracy or Hypocrisy you can see multiple videos of the usual suspects reminding you of their conviction that a filibuster of a judicial nominee is not constitutional. A thing that the rank and file dutifully repeated at the behest of their radio handlers, because Democrats were standing in the way of their wingnut fantasies. Here’s Part I of Mitch McConnell making the case in May 2005:

Be sure to see them all.  Because not only are elements of the GOP base are pushing hard for a filibuster of  Judge Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court and a Lifetime Member of the Supreme High Wingnut Council — James Inhofe — has promised to filibuster the very middle of the road Judge Hamilton, who was voted out of the Judiciary Committee today.  As Steve Benen points out, Inhofe argued for a filibuster of judges to be unconstitutional.   Wonder why it isn’t unconstitutional now?  So how long will it take for the entire GOP contingent to completely reverse — flip flop! — themselves on the unconstitutionality of filibustering a judge’s nomination?

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