Obama’s Egypt Speech

Filed in International by on June 4, 2009

The man knows how to give speeches. Full text of the speech here.

Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly highlights this portion, about the relationship between the U.S. and the Muslim world:

“[J]ust as America can never tolerate violence by extremists, we must never alter our principles. 9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. The fear and anger that it provoked was understandable, but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our ideals. We are taking concrete actions to change course. I have unequivocally prohibited the use of torture by the United States, and I have ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed by early next year.

“So America will defend itself respectful of the sovereignty of nations and the rule of law. And we will do so in partnership with Muslim communities which are also threatened. The sooner the extremists are isolated and unwelcome in Muslim communities, the sooner we will all be safer.”

Update: You can see pictures from his trip, including his visit to the pyramids, along with longer speech excerpts here.


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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Dave M. says:

    What the “Obama Phenomenom” raises most in my mind is how we can elect a leader like this, yet somehow, we can also elect a leader like Bush. It almost makes me think that our political process is more akin to a slot machine than a process designed to get our best to lead us. As another example of apparent faults in our process, I mention Karen Weldin Stewart.

  2. Interesting, Dave. I remember reading someone opine that we can only elect someone like Obama after having someone like Bush as president.

  3. Dave M. says:

    Ergo, “we can only elect someone like Stewart after having someone like Denn.”

    Actually, that fits.

  4. Dave M. says:

    Its like God doesn’t want us to get too competent. Probably ’cause of the gay marriage think (snark).

  5. jason330 says:

    Bush got elected the first time under the false premise that elections don’t matter and all politicians are the same.

    The was a GOP talking point that they pushed hard and now resides in the dustbin of history.

  6. All joking aside, you’re probably right Mark. When government works well, it’s pretty invisible and people start taking it for granted. When you get someone incompetent in, you start seeing the problems again.

  7. Even in your celebrations, you have to bash President Bush.

  8. anonone says:


    Lest ye forget, in 2000 Bush was appointed by the Supreme Court.

  9. anonone says:

    Even in your celebrations, you have to bash President Bush.

    Yes, bashing wanna-be dictators and their supporters is an American thing to do.

  10. There’s 8 years of material there to bash, and we’ll be cleaning up after Bush for the next generation.

  11. Geezer says:

    “Even in your celebrations, you have to bash President Bush.”

    I fully expect him to be a touchstone of incompetence for many years to come.

  12. Rebecca says:

    Make that generations to come. History is going to have a lot of fun with BushCo.

  13. a. price says:

    i hope Cheney says something really bat-shit. And David, Bush was the entire reason Obama had to make this speech.
    Bush and the gang were incompetent, arrogant, morons. They rejoiced in their ignorance, looked down on the rest of the world and, sometimes subtly sometimes overtly, questioned the patriotism of Americans who disagreed with them.
    Of course Bush is going to get bashed.

  14. Perry says:

    Right, which Dick Cheney & daughter & Karl Rove are trying to revise. It won’t work, and hopefully Cheney will be carefully investigated and prosecuted if warranted. Interestingly, at least so far, even Bush has washed his hands of Cheney. I find it quite significant that Bush did not pardon Scooter Libby, putting Cheney into a rage!

  15. Cheney is the only person I can think of who can shoot someone in the face and have the shooting victim apologize.

  16. delacrat says:

    Obama used the words “extremists” and “extremism”, in reference to Muslims, 11 times; though never in reference to either christians or jews.

    Anyone who thinks this speech suceeded in healing any rifts with Muslims is delusional.

  17. “but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our ideals”

    The ongoing debate over interrogation which Obama still uses through rendition was referred to by Obama. However, the actions were not directed at Muslims they were directed at terrorists.

    In the end, Obama’s speech was good content and if that helps the cause of peace , great but will likely result in zero action.

    Two countries, Iran and Israel hold the key to Peace not Obama.

    Mike Protack

  18. anon says:

    Obama wants the people of Gaza who were slaughtered, and their country burned to the ground, had white phospherous on them. is called to task by Obama? Like it or not, Hamas is the duly elected government and yet they are called upon to stop self preservation. Israel has to to stop, no one not even the UN can stop them.
    So, keep on protecting the zonists Barack…it wont make a damn bit of difference to the muslim world or the world in general.

    Those settlements continue to be built on a wink and nod from Obama…and the zionists will never stop building them until there is no more land to make a two state solution….this was a major PR stunt and it wont work!

    Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty while Israel who has hundreds of nuclear weapons has never signed. The Israelie Firsters inside the government and inside the Obama camp are positioning Obama to work with the Israelies to bomb Iran….welcome to WW3.

    While he was speaking thousands of Egyptianswere protesting and being arrested…didnt see that on corporate tv huh!