They’re Scared

Filed in National by on June 4, 2009

Kavips is a must read this morning. He reports the dramatic scene as Sen. Peterson rose to suspend the rules to get HB1 to the Senate floor. The confrontation between DeLuca and Peterson in the caucus room, and their race to see who could get to Speaker Gilligan first. And the great secret of why HB1 was allowed to pass:

Reading between the lines we are beginning to see that the passage of this bill so easily through the Senate, portends that the current leadership is very worried that HB 5 may pass and was willing to give this up to insure that HB 5 gets voted down…. It’s that important to them that non heterosexuals do not have rights at work…

Bigotry is Adams’ guiding light.

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  1. anon says:

    I don’t get it… how does passage of HB1 help ensure HB5 doesn’t get passed?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    The thought is that by tossing us a bone on HB1, we won’t want HB5 anymore. They are wrong, of course, as to us. But what about Peterson et al.?

  3. I don’t think the passage of HB1 means that HB5 won’t get voted on. In fact, there are threats from the House that they won’t do any address any Senate bills unless the Senate brings HB5 to the floor. I hear there are 8 names on a petition to get it out of committee.

  4. MJ says:

    I also cannot see the connection between HB 1 and HB 5. Remember, Pete Schwartzkopf is Majority Leader and if he want’s to hold up senate bills, so be it. I don’t like the tactic but I’ll support him doing it. It’s time this bill comes up for a vote.

  5. cassandra m says:

    I don’t get it either — plus I don’t get how you read between the lines of recreated dialog and interactions that haven’t been sourced anyplace.

  6. PI says:

    There are a substantial number of politicos who would say that Peterson’s unconventional move on the Senate floor to suspend rules has put a pretty good chink in the armor of the GOB(good ol’ byz) …especially since she was able to do it successfully. She sort of broke the stranglehold they had on everyone. Hopefully, her collegues are watching and realize the sky didn’t come crashing in on Leg Hall because one senator had the ovaries to say enough is enough.

    I don’t see the connection between HB 1 and HB 5 here. There are 14 votes in the Senate for HB5 if it can just get to the floor. It’s Sokola’s bill to deal with plus he introduced SB 121 yesterday which is the exact same bill as HB 5. Can’t follow the logic here.

  7. I think I know where kavips was last night!

  8. Bill Dunn says:

    Apparently, Kavips was sitting in the same meeting I was in last night and I didn’t know it.

    The story was representative of what you might suspect goes on “behind closed doors”, but you’re really on sure until someone start talking after leaving the room.

    Just wait until this story gets broader distribution…..

    I might have to drive to Dover this afternoon.

  9. Rebecca says:

    Hey U.I. I was thinking the same thing. Kavips was hanging out with the cool kids last night. ;o)

  10. jason330 says:

    I totally suck for not posting about the PDD meeting in advance.

    Too mesmerized by the Mike P vs. David A showdown and other bloggy ephemera.

  11. It was a great meeting last night! You should have come. I have a lot of stuff to talk about from last night’s meeting.

  12. RSmitty says:

    Apparently, Kavips was sitting in the same meeting I was in last night and I didn’t know it.

    No one ever does, Bill, no one. He is a mystery…that kavips.

  13. jason330 says:

    He is a mystery…that kavips.


  14. jason330 says:

    The Kavips post is a compelling read. Still not sure what Katz’ deal was though?

  15. Geezer says:

    What happened at last night’s meeting that relates to the Kavips post? I’m a little squeamish about an unsourced dialogue story. Sez who?

  16. The source of the story (I think) is the Progressive Democrats of Delaware meeting last night. A lady from the DE ACLU and Karen Peterson both talked about HB1 and HB5 (among other topics).

  17. Geezer says:

    But did someone — KP? — give such a detailed account of what happened in caucus?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Good question. I doubt that even if she did, it would be wise to confirm it.

  19. PI says:

    So, Kavips was among us last night and no one knows who it is, huh? One thing I’m starting to figure out is who it isn’t by process of elimination. One attendee is highly suspect.

    One could say that Kavips took ‘editorial liberites’ in describing the dialogue at the meeting.

  20. RSmitty says:

    So, Kavips was among us last night and no one knows who it is, huh? One thing I’m starting to figure out is who it isn’t by process of elimination. One attendee is highly suspect.

    One could say that Kavips took ‘editorial liberites’ in describing the dialogue at the meeting.

    Ron Williams is blogging? 😯
    We’re doomed.

  21. RSmitty says:

    @jason330 #13

    No idea, really. I thought I recalled kavips saying something that was self-referring once and used ‘he’ in that description. Of course, that could have been a diversion.

  22. jason330 says:

    I, for one, don’t want to know who Kavips is.

    There is precious little mystery left to life you’ve lived as I have lived and see what I have seen.

  23. RSmitty says:

    Is he/she a ‘furry?’

    Oh, I am so sorry for that, but I couldn’t resist with the bizarre news of late.

  24. You were at the meeting last night, PI? Now I have two mysteries to solve.