AFSCME Urges Members to Boycott Walgreens? Maybe

Filed in Delaware by on June 10, 2009

A source told me that AFSCME Council 81 which represents State of Delaware employees, is urging its members to boycott Walgreens in the wake of the announcement that Walgreens is pulling out of the States Medicaid program.  So I called Michael Begatto Council 81’s Executive Director and to confirm the story and get a comment.

Mr. Begatto flatly denied that the union was boycotting Walgreens.  So I did a little online searching and found this part of his blog entry for today:

Here’s where we can make a difference with our vast group purchasing power. You determine where you get your prescriptions filled and where you shop. You can send Walgreens a message by shopping somewhere else. We should support the stores that are supporting us and are willing to help with the state budget shortfall.

Sounds like a boycott to me, but what do I know.

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Did I read that figure in today’s NJ that the state paid Walgreen’s $ 44.3 million for state employees drugs ? Last year?

  2. A lot has been made of the decision by Walgreen’s Pharmacy business to stop filling Delaware Medicaid scripts. This decision is important as it points to why excessive government interference usually wrecks an industry. Situations like Walgreens make Obama’s public option for health care reform unworkable just like the Delaware medicaid program

    A few points.

    1. Walgreens made a huge profit last year, they are being greedy. Wrong, in fact with the government takeover of GM certain brands and thousands of dealers had to be terminated because of government direction. Walgreens made a business choice and gets hammered, Obama does it with GM and gets praise.

    2. Their decision will hurt Medicaid recipients. The State of Delaware has done the most harm by not transforming Medicaid to provide more choices and value to recipients not Walgreens.

    3. Walgreens should be boycotted. Sure if you feel strongly go ahead but if a business stops providing a service or product because it loses money your position is on thin ice. Private enterprise does indeed operate to make a profit.

    4. Walgreens is making a snap judgment.Walgreens, in conjunction with the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, had approached the state with a number of sound alternative strategies and programs that could help Delaware fill its Medicaid budget gap. Many of these alternatives were rejected, despite their successes in other states. None of these methods would adversely impact patient care, unlike the reimbursement cut.

    The decision is indeed about money that is the way private enterprise works in America, at least for now. The way things are going we are all going to have a government job, government health insurance, government housing and a lower standard of living.

    Mike Protack

  3. A prediction, Governor Markell will do nothing to change this decision by Walgreens.
    The real story:

    Mike Protack

  4. Geezer says:

    “The way things are going we are all going to have a government job, government health insurance, government housing and a lower standard of living.”

    This blow against communism was authored by a guy who’ll never stop telling you that his salary was cut 40% and his pension dissolved by his employer. Yes, that private sector is just so damned GOOD to us!

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Well I guess I’m glad someone took the time to make sense of Mr.Shallow Bench’s gibberish.

  6. RSmitty says:

    I think what Begatto was saying was, while the choice is yours to do what you need to do, it would make great waves if we could cohesively turn our backs on them.

    FWIW, I think Begatto is a decent, well thought-out person. He is no Sam Latham and I mean that in the absolute highest compliment. If Latham has the slightest itch of discomfort for you, you’re the roadkill on the side of the road (and pieces of your fur may be on his bumper). Begatto, on the other hand, from what I know of him, at least attempts to get the whole picture. Yes, he will represent 81 to the fullest, as he should, but he’s far more decent and honorable than the stereotypes partisans would otherwise fling around.

  7. RSmitty says:

    Prediction: The pilotician makes more comments here tonight and advertises his blog for free in at least one of those.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I also sent Mr. Begatto an email asking for clarification. He also said that it would be hard for him to boycott, since Walgreens has such a stranglehold (my word, not his) on the Middletown area.

    I do appreciate that he got right back to me.

  9. jim center says:

    Anyone else get a post card from Rep. Deb Hudson(BIG “R”) about her “Tele-Tea Party”
    No time is specified on June 11 but it says if you can’t call from home, call 877-269-7289 and enter pin code 14953.
    This could be a great chance for us to destroy her little party. We can tell her that the big business taxes need to be raised and that since business has always paid less than their fair share while reaping the benefits of the commons (ie, roads, transportation systems, etc) it’s time for them to start paying for what they are using!

  10. RSmitty says:

    since Walgreens has such a stranglehold (my word, not his) on the Middletown area

    He really cited Middletown? 😆
    I guess I can see that, though. There are five current stores (counting Townsend and “Mt Pleasant” – Shops at Summit) and a sixth to be opened on Rt 301. The competition? A Rite-Aid. Just one. That’s it. No others. He should go smack Kenny Branner around for a while, then. 😉

  11. RSmitty says:

    He did.

    He smacked Kenny Branner around? Awesome!!! 😉

  12. anon says:

    Hmmm…. how much of a de facto boycott will there be in Middletown if just the Medicaid customers stop coming to the store? Add a few sympathetic liberals and you might have something. Heck, even conservatives have family members on Medicaid who will be affected.

  13. Bob says:

    Liberals are funny, on one hand the government takes over a company and you dont want it boycotted then another fights goverment intrusion and you want to boycott it. You genuinely believe that the government can simply set prices and that is that. It is a stunningly foolish belief. That kind of policy does not, can not and will not ever benefit a society.

  14. adam hartung says:

    Walgreen’s is following the direction of GM – trying to defend & extend a business model that is out of step with a changed market (in their case retail). In a deep growth stall, Walgreen’s is in deeper trouble than management admits. Read more at