Delaware Liberal

AFSCME Urges Members to Boycott Walgreens? Maybe

A source told me that AFSCME Council 81 which represents State of Delaware employees, is urging its members to boycott Walgreens in the wake of the announcement that Walgreens is pulling out of the States Medicaid program.  So I called Michael Begatto Council 81’s Executive Director and to confirm the story and get a comment.

Mr. Begatto flatly denied that the union was boycotting Walgreens.  So I did a little online searching and found this part of his blog entry for today:

Here’s where we can make a difference with our vast group purchasing power. You determine where you get your prescriptions filled and where you shop. You can send Walgreens a message by shopping somewhere else. We should support the stores that are supporting us and are willing to help with the state budget shortfall.

Sounds like a boycott to me, but what do I know.

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