Donviti PSA #201

Filed in National by on June 10, 2009

We are fighting two wars currently.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Yes, we are.

    Obama has us on track to triple the debt and put over 10% unemployment.

    He will also be President when Pakistan implodes and Afghanistan is lost.

    Mike Protack

  2. anon says:

    Obama has us on track to triple the debt and put over 10% unemployment.

    That track was set before Obama became President. If we avoid total economic catastrophe in the first term Obama will have succeeded.

    He will also be President when Pakistan implodes and Afghanistan is lost.

    Maybe. Thanks, Bush for sending our brave troops on a fools errand to Iraq and letting Afghanistan fester for seven years while the Taliban regrouped.

  3. jason330 says:

    These comments are a window into Protack’s hopes and dreams.

    He will clearly not be happy until he is riding on top of a gasoline tancker wearing his spiked football shoulder pads while he shoots flaming crossbow arrows at people not dressed like Oakland Raiders fans who have the nerve to pretend that civilization is salvageable.

  4. I’m sick of listening to Republicans wish for failure. Guess what guys, you’re good at failure.

  5. delacrat says:


    Since Pakistan & Afghanistan are not ours anyway, so what if they’re lost.

    We’d miss those places like we’d miss losing the GOP.

  6. Bring them all home. Lost cause.

  7. anonone says:

    “Mad Mike”

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Protack thinks this is a game of Hot Potato.

    Fucking child.

  9. Phil says:

    Don’t worry, Obama is going to bring home the troops immeadiately after election. Wait, 6 months, no…. 12 months… wait, better make it 24 months. And while we are at it, lets send a troop surge to Afghanistan.

    When will people wake up and realize that Obama is no savior, but a stuffed shirt. Most of his policies concerning the war has been in line with bush’s. Hell, he kept Secretary Gates. I don’t have to wish for failure, it will be apparent soon enough.

  10. callerRick says:

    And don’t forget those evil domestic surveillance programs Obama planned to end, immediately….er, soon….later…..never?

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Is FISA being followed this time around or is it that same as Bu$hCo’s interpretation?

    And I love the comparisons of something that “may” happen to these false immediate expectations!

    Are you that narrow to believe that everything/anything can turn on a dime?

    Like most rational/pragmatic folks, I’ll give the administration some time (like half a term) to see the changes through….the peanut gallery on the other hand believes in fairies and magic wands. No wonder that when the rubes finally got over Clinton’s penis and the wolves at the door, they kicked your no-nothing asses to the curb!

    An aside – Why hasn’t Phil hit the Powerball yet?

  12. Phil says:

    Obama had 7% more votes than McCain. Yeah…kicked republicans asses….

    It’s ok, I’ll give you until the end of his administration to realize how terrible he is.

    An aside – How do you know that I haven’t?

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Again – Narrow.

    You’re looking at just the POTUS race.

    Don’t look at the Congress, state and local elections over the past 4 years….hell, even the school boards around the country are shunning faith-based politics.

  14. delacrat says:

    Phil @ 12,

    After his surge-and-destroy in Afghanistan, numerous predator drone atrocities in Pakistan, not to mention his 5 war funding votes as a senator, if you seriously believe the obamacrats will realize how terrible Bushama is at the end of his administration , you are taking optimism to new heights.

  15. Phil says:

    You were commenting about the president and his administration… Nevermind that. If you look at issuses, whenever a conservative issue comes to a vote, (referendums) they always win. People just get confused about the labels. Conservative actually means conservative government, and liberal means liberal government. It has nothing to do with conservative moral values, or liberal free thinkers.

    BTW, i’m not a republican bible thumper.

  16. h. says:

    Phil has a point. Not many union workers are flaming liberals.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    I’ll agree that party and ideology never mesh perfectly…and that’s the reason I’ve voted for Republicans on numerous times in the past…

    The GOP big turn-off for most is the hypocrisy of screaming “States and Individual Rights” and a lassie fair attitude with business, then turning around and wanting to tell me that I need to have Jesus in my life, be it through family or through legislation.

  18. callerRick says:

    “States and Individual Rights”…..what a horrid concept.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    no one said they are.

    your point?