Shep Smith Calling It As Everybody (with a brain) Sees It
If Conservatives won’t listen to me maybe they’ll listen to Shep Smith.
PAY ATTENTION! These people are crazy and dangerous and being fed a steady diet of rhetoric that fuels their hatred and justifies their violence. Brace yourself for more of these shootings. And don’t say I never warned you.
Update: Shep is on a roll – “It (DHS Report) was a warning to us all, and it appears now they were right.”

Tags: Extremists, Fox, Shootings
Shepard is really trying to save the soul of Fox. he is the only level headed person there. and i don’t think he will be on that network much longer if he continues to call out the racist nut jobs who make up the Fixed Noise audience
I wish Mr. Smith all the best in trying to reform Fox. He really has his work cut out for him. The Fox viewers have been fed a long diet of an alternate reality – one where Bush is popular and Republicans have great ideas – so getting used to a new reality must be difficult.
I really hope it’s not too late to dial it back.
One complaint, though. Go read “the blogs.” Come on, Shep, you can be more specific than that. By “blogs” I assume he means RedState, HotAir, Little Green Footballs, etc.
2nd video no work?
What can Smith do to help Fox viewers. Can they do a story about how Obama really is a U.S. citizen? I suspect this won’t really help because these people are just angry about something.
2nd video no work – for me at least. I supplied a link.
Now I know I’ve heard the text of that letter somewhere before….. 🙄
Text of that letter? You are cryptic today… or is it me?
The one Shep read.
I should have said email though….me and my olden ways.
Ah… Yes, I, too, have heard that text before – so much it’s scary.
And ABC’s Ann Compton wants to know if Obama’s Buchenwald visit may have provided a backlash this extremist responded to.
Have mercy.
Shep Smith is fighting the good fight here and good for him for reminding folks that this DHS report was about targeting the criminal elements in these extremist groups — not those with “differing views” and the professional victims would have you believe.
Cryptic huh?
I just read that Von Brunn was a participated on Free Republic and Stormfront. Stormfront is a known white supremacist site.
Cryptic: having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : mysterious
I thought you’d be pleased by the description! 😉
The shooter is also a birther.
hepardSmitty is really trying to save the soul of FoxI wish Mr. Smit
hty all the best in trying to reform FoxIt must be the last name. We all love the thankless, impossible tasks. We’re drawn to it. If you don’t believe me, think of poor Yoeman Smitty from Star Trek!
Complement taken, P.
Yes, Smitty, you and Shep have a lot in common! 🙂
I think all of y’all are wrong.
Don’t shoot the messanger.
This guy was already a nut who tried to go after the Federal Reserve and did time for it.
The guy in Arkansas was actually trained in Yeman.
Folks people are just CRAZY.
Go to MSNBC if you really want to see people who are inciting others.
Olbermann and Maddow are both nuts.
For more visit me at
Anyone else get a post card from Rep. Deb Hudson(BIG “R”) about her “Tele-Tea Party”
No time is specified on June 11 but it says if you can’t call from home, call 877-269-7289 and enter pin code 14953.
This could be a great chance for us to destroy her little party. We can tell her that the big business taxes need to be raised and that since business has always paid less than their fair share while reaping the benefits of the commons (ie, roads, transportation systems, etc) it’s time for them to start paying for what they are using!
Ed is basically right. Some of these people are crazy and others are just eaten up with hate and evil. Evil is not a mental illness. It is a choice.
I don’t think the guy was trained in Yemen, but the fact is that these guys have been doing what they have been doing for decades and both served time. A more useful exercise would be how do we keep track of people who have violent tendencies. Most murders and manslaughters are committed by people who are prior violent offenders. It seems like we need to be focused on reforming and tracking violent offenders.
When you want a serious discussion about handling the unhappiness and violence in society, I have some ideas on that.
shorter roswell –
Crazy Killers in the name of conservative values = Ah, just a one off!
Newscasters who point out where these Krazies are coming from = Inciters of violence and mayhem.
“Evil is not a mental illness. It is a choice.”
More pre-scientific stupidity from the religion-addled right.
“..the big business taxes need to be raised and that since business has always paid less than their fair share…”
I think the U.S. corporate tax rate is second only to Japan.
The world is full of nuts, and the self-professed Muslim who shot the G.I. was as crazy as the Holocaust killer.
Some people murder due to road-rage; so we should blame the automobile?
“Some people murder due to road-rage; so we should blame the automobile?”
This reeks of false equivalency.
Plus, road rage is the result of many underlying influences, not the cause.
un-moderate me! ugh
“…road rage is the result of many underlying influences, not the cause.”
Exactly….thus, neither is Rush Limbaugh the cause.
No, the murder of innocents with an opposing view is the effect. Feeding the beast is one of many causes….
I suppose there are many causes for mental illness….but to attach blame to any, or all, of the causes is ridiculous. Limbaugh has 20-million listeners; how many of them murder abortionists?
blame? no, not blame. but there is a level of wrongness associated with the AM krazies.
I occasionally scan the shortwave bands….I must be really nuts!