Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday

This will be the first time, and perhaps last time, that I link to the Delaware Grapevine in this thread. But Celia does have a nice write up about the 6th Annual Summer Bash.

[T]he Sixth Annual Summer Bash last Saturday in Milton was turned into a charity event for the Food Bank of Delaware. “This is a bank that deserves to be bailed out,” cracked Corey Marshall-Steele, the host who is an aide to Markell.

The bash is always a chance for Markell to show he is that rare politician who likes a little silliness in life. It came this time as Pam Tillis made her entrance. As Tillis sang “Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile,” she was carried on a litter by two men costumed as ancient Egyptians. After she arrived on the makeshift stage, she was fanned by fronds, one of them waved by Markell. His fellow frond-fanners were Lt. Gov. Matt Denn, Auditor Tom Wagner and New Castle County Executive Chris Coons. Wagner is a Republican, but the way the state is trending, he has no shot unless he woos Democrats, too, and he is up for re-election next year.

Marshall-Steele again showed himself a maestro when it comes to organization and fine food, a critical trait in his latest assignment for Markell as the administrator for Woodburn, the governor’s house in Dover. The two met while Marshall-Steele was volunteering on local legislative races, leading Markell to hire him originally as the executive assistant to the treasurer.

Cheers to Corey! It was a great event, even if I could only stay for an hour. The Mississippi Caviar was great. And now, on to the countdown:

As the JFC meets, Kavips has thoughts on shared sacrifice for all versus total sacrifice for a few. Matthews opposes shared sacrifice simply because he tires of the term. Burris has no confidence in the JFC due to its composition. After listening to the debates, Brian Shields is sad. No, not a sad sad, but an angry sad. Burris thinks cutting jobs in the Department of Education is the answer.

Matthews says that it is absolutely critical for HB1 to be signed immediately, mostly to ensure open JFC meetings. Of course, by now we know that Markell waited to sign it until today. He also follows the floor debate on HB117, which he opposes. And when it passes, Matthews lambasts both Rep. Bryon Short and Elaine Manlove. Kilroy looks at an amendment slipped in at the last moment and wonders. Joanne Christian and RSmitty react to the “shockingly and seemingly ignorant” passage of HB 117 on Delaware Politics.

Now, what would be shocking and ignorant is if SB 198 gets any votes whatsoever. This bill is so insipid that it forces me, Delaware Dem, to agree with David Anderson, who is exactly the opposite of everything I am and stand for.

On June 30th, time will stand still, if only in Dover. And HB5 is now SB121, and under that title, it may have an easier time getting passed. What, does Uncle Thurm not see ones and twos now?

Kilroy notices that one legislator voted against HB76, which would require school board members swear an oath upon taking office to uphold the laws of the State of Delaware.

Matthews is confused as to why Walgreens has filed a lawsuit. Kavips explains why libertarians love Walgreens, and why Walgreens cancelled their meeting with the state and their press conference. Steve Newton, Delaware’s official Libertarian, responds. (no offense Brian Shields).

Matthews has questions regarding Teach for America. Tommywonk asks if Delaware is losing Green Jobs. Burris shills for the new NCCo GOP Chairman Michael Fleming’s appearance on Friday Forum on WHYY to discuss if the GOP is dead in Delaware (it is), and says it will be the most scintillating 12 minutes of your Friday. I dare say if it is the most scintillating 12 minutes of your Friday, then please check to see if you have a pulse. MJ wins a debate with Wrong Wong, the best Debater on WGMD. Brian Shields reveals that Sussex Councilman Sam Wilson opposes green energy because he doesn’t understand it.

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