Filed in National by on June 12, 2009

Whatever happened to Joe the Plumber? I miss his deep thoughts on the issues of the day. 😈


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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. I never understood the Republican love of Joe the Plumber in the first place. He certainly wasn’t particularly smart and he didn’t have any deep insights into anything. I remember reading that he announced he was leaving the Republican party – did the wingnut welfare gravy train dry up?

  2. cassandra m says:

    I thought he was off writing a book? It’s takes awhile to get that many line drawings in order.

  3. andy1 says:

    Didn’t he move in with Bristol Palin to help her take care of the baby, now that Levi’s out of the picture?

    I’m sorry. That’s in very bad taste. So sorry . . . .

  4. The thought of Bristol Palin and Joe the Plumber as a couple is deeply disturbing.

  5. nemski says:

    Joe’s been doing some unlicensed plumbing work at my house. It’s all rather hush hush.

  6. Art Downs says:

    Joe was the forgotten ‘everyman’ and the criticism of him reflects a lot of ignorance and bias.

    He worked as a plumber, not an electrician or a carpenter. Most workers in these trades are not licensed by the state or local governments and work under the license of someone else in the company. Quite often, getting a license means political ‘pull’ rather than demonstrated performance or passing a test.

    My employer has a lot of plumbers and electricians in the maintenance force and few are licensed. They do fine work and do not require micromanagement.

    There is also an elitist disdain for those in the trades by some whose academic credentials may seem impressive to themselves and their coterie of associates. They can make fun of ‘turd wrestlers’ but how often does one look in the classified ads in the middle of the night seeking the services of a sociologist or political scientist?

    Perhaps this is why there are more millionaire plumbers than sociologists. The invisible hand does work wonders.

    Snide commentary re a hardworking man may be a reflection upon the elitist arrogance of many self-styled ‘progressives’.

  7. FSP says:

    “Joe was the forgotten ‘everyman’ and the criticism of him reflects a lot of ignorance and bias.”

    He’s an idiot. He was a good representative of working people as an idea, but once he opened his mouth, he reinforced our current problem: people support conservatism, especially fiscal conservatism, but HATE conservatives.

    All of these public faces – Limbaugh, Palin, Cheney, Joe the Plumber – make people hate conservatives more and more every day.

    When 40% of your own party has a bad opinion of your party, you have issues.

  8. It’s not so much as “hating” them as finding them silly or laughable. I find Cheney, Limbaugh and Gingrich hateful. Limbaugh I would be content to ignore because he’s a radio show host, but he won’t let me since Republican politicians have to kiss his rear when they displease him. Palin and Joe the Plumber are just silly people who say silly things.