Deep thought

Filed in International by on June 14, 2009

President Bush’s Job was to Protect America after it got attacked while he was president.

Additionial question:  Wouldn’t having a public option for health care be more beneficial for small business?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Tom S. says:

    Not necessarily.

  2. anon says:

    Absolutely. Small business cannot afford the enormous health care premiums. Why shouldnt your boss be giving you a raise, or hiring another employee instead of investing OUR tax dollars into a for profit system. In a for profit system the cream is skimmed off the top for the CEO’s and their unnecessary staff.

    Everyone would have an insurance card for medical, dental, vision, long term, nursing home etc. Even with the for profit plan you have NONE of them pay for any of those things. The profits these unnecessary companies make don’t contribute anything to health care.

    The savings alone would pay for all those other health care issues, you pay for out of your pocket now.

  3. I find it amusing that the newest talking point against the public option is that it will just be too good and the for-profit insurance industry won’t be able to compete. Isn’t that the point – that the for-profit industry is extremely inefficient and expensive.

  4. Progressive Mom says:

    It might do something even better than give small business employers a cost break — it might allow small businesses to keep great talent that now flee to larger operations because they need the health benefits. It would allow small businesses to grow talent and then benefit from those employees for the long run.

    Did you ever notice that, at most true small businesses, the employees are either under 30, over 65, or family members of the owner? With a public option, employees could stay with a small business.

  5. Our site will be doing numerous videos on important subjects, health care is first. Stand by for facts not Democrat emotion and misinformation.

    We will start posting them tomorrow.

    Now for the public option. It has good intentions but is not workable. It will require huge subsidies ( Dems called them investments but they are really tax increases). Medicare and Medicaid exist only because they pay providers (hospitals and Doctors 20-30% below private rates).

    For those who understand the issue you have to make health care not tied to employment which is a good idea because Obama is killing jobs left and right.

    The public option is DOA.

    Mike Protack

  6. FSP says:

    “I find it amusing that the newest talking point against the public option is that it will just be too good and the for-profit insurance industry won’t be able to compete.”

    Not too good, too subsidized. When you’re taxing employer benefits and using the money to support the ‘public option,’ employer benefits have no chance. Not to mention the fact that most small and midsize employers will immediately drop health benefits rather than have them taxed.