Delaware Liberal

Real Iran Election Results Leaked?

According to ABCNews (via Twitter) this may be the real election results from the Iran elections. If you’re on Twitter, I recommend you follow @LaraABCNews for updates about the Iran elections.

We’ve been very hesitant to publicize any of the so-called “true” election results that have surfaced, since it’s the easiest thing in the world to make up numbers and plug them into a graph and present it as fact. But this comes from, where “an informed source” inside the Ministry of Interior’s Election HQ says

All 9 communiques of the MOI were written and planned in advance; numbers were faked via a software program which distributed vote counts among polling stations in such a way to make everything look plausible.

Supposedly, the initial results that the MOI announced were based only on the first 500,000 ballots received, and that set the rest of Friday’s events in motion. According to this site, the real results were:

* Mousavi – 21.3 million (57.2%)
* Ahmadinejad – 10.5 million (28%)
* Rezai – 2.7 million (7.2%)
* Karroubi – 2.2 million (6%)

Obviously, this should be taken with a huge grain of salt. But Mowj is the unofficial website for the Mousavi campaign, so we wanted to present it here for you to interpret yourself.

In the same blog post, there is more evidence that the election was fixed:

A colleague of ours translated a note from Iran Daily today:

‘How many votes did the candidates receive in their hometowns?’ Iran Daily, Sunday 14 June 2009.

‘… In Aradan, Semnan, the hometown of the elected president, of 10,000 votes, Dr. Mahmud Ahmadinejad received 9,000 … In the village of Lali, in Khuzestan, the hometown of Mohsen Rezai, Ahmadinejad received 830 votes out of 900… In Shabestar (East Azerbaijan), the hometown of Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Dr. Ahmadinejad received 5,000 out of 7,000 votes, and Mousavi around 2,000. In Aligordaz (Luristan), the hometown of Mehdi Karoubi, another presidential elections canddidate, Ahmadinejad received 39,690 votes, Karoubi 14,512 and Mousavi 9,330 votes.

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