typical Male

Filed in National by on June 14, 2009


It’s not like me to find humor in commercials like this however as a husband that has offered to help his wife and then gone to a different room and acted like I was helping, this commercial had me cracking up.

Just pay close attention to what the husband does after he says he’ll help her look for her keys.

I mean come on!  Awesome!

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hiding in the open

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  1. My husband must have Alzheimer’s then because he puts things in the strangest places. We have to beware of “I put it in a safe place so it wouldn’t get lost.” That means trouble.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    I’ll tell ya UI, this commercial has me more concerned. Keys in the refrigerator are typical. One of the first places the kids look when I announce. But I was under the impression I am not alone, because as parents we are hauling milk, lunchmeat,groceries etc., and they are in your hands during the juggle. So I am real miffed they used this example as a suspect alarm. Not a real good PSA IMHO. Now pass me those fish oils.

  3. jason330 says:

    I love that DV found it funny. Not what the Alzhiemer’s Association was going for. Not by a long shot.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Maybe DV needs the evaluation…for Alzheimer’s.

  5. nemski says:

    DV I know what you meant, but geez. Anyway here are some cerebral palsy videos that you should find knee-slapping funny.

  6. Yes, I agree Joanne that losing your keys (even in weird places) is not a warning sign of Alzheimer’s. It’s darn common. I actually think the fridge is not that strange of a place to lose your keys like when you’re putting away groceries.

  7. Now if you find your shoe in the crisper, that is another story.

    Played a prank on a roommate once, filled his shoe with water and put it in the freezer overnight. Took it out a few minutes before he was leaving on a date. Fun fun.

    He got back at me by putting condoms on all of the doorknobs in the house while I was gone on a date. It took me 20 minutes to get in the house because of the slippery mess. Thank goodness I was such a loser that i didn’t bring her home that night.

  8. I once lost my work keys by putting them in a different pocket than I normally do. It took me hours to figure it out.

  9. RSmitty says:

    Obviously, Alzheimer’s: not funny and incredibly devistating. However, having the husband jump up and declare, “I’ll help!” (errr….right after I get this steaming, hot cup of joe, maybe go to the bathroom, smoke a stogie, pet the dog, read the paper, take a nap, wake up and pop a brew, but I WILL HELP!) As absolutely unintended as that was to be funny, DV is right. It was a typical male! Oh, except me…uh-huh.

  10. RSmitty says:

    I once lost my work keys by putting them in a different pocket than I normally do. It took me hours to figure it out.

    And you are a lab scientist who gets to play with chemicals? Oh yay. Can we make sure I live outside at LEAST a 30 mile radius of you? 😆

  11. anonone says:

    I think that they both have Alzheimer’s. He got up, forgot what he was doing, found her keys in the refrigerator, and THEN tried to make it look like SHE left them there.

  12. RSmitty says:

    A1 – you just defined many years of marriage, not Alzheimer’s.

  13. Smitty,

    My husband is way worse than me. Of course, I’m the one who lost an Amazon Kindle so I can’t get onto him too much.