The Biden Tease Begins…

Filed in National by on June 15, 2009

There is a difference between the Castle Tease and the Biden Tease. Castle is doing it himself. Biden can’t so long as he is on duty in Iraq, a tour which ends in September. So his father steps up to the plate:

GREGORY: What advice have you given your son about a potential run for the Senate in the state?

BIDEN: Whatever you decide to do, make sure there’s something you’re willing to lose over. Don’t just do it for — because it’s the next step. If you conclude that you care deeply about something that you’re willing to lose over it in a campaign, then do it.

GREGORY: Would you like to see him run?

BIDEN: I think he’d make a great senator. But, you know, I learned a long time ago that, with him, anyway, that he is — he’s his own man. He had an opportunity to be appointed attorney general. He wouldn’t do it. There was even some speculation he had an opportunity to be appointed to the Senate. He wouldn’t do it. He decided he had to be with his guys.

And so this is — I’m going to say something that people are going to criticize. This is the finest man I’ve ever known in my life, my son.

Well, those people would have to be particularly evil to criticize a father for thinking his son was a fine man. But I am sure some Republicans will do it. Evil is their specialty. This quote furthers the narrative that Beau is out to earn the seat, rather than having it be given to him. And if Castle runs, than no one can say that Beau is being given anything. Speaking of Castle, it seems to me, from reading between the lines here, that Joe knows Castle is going to run, and that there is a possibility that Beau could lose if he runs. That is interesting.

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  1. jason330 says:

    It is on.

    The studied casualness of Joe Biden quote assures me that Mike Castle will not run for the Senate.

    Biden 62%
    O’Whackjob 38%

    Any takers?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    You know, the more you say that Castle is not going to run the more I am convinced he will. In fact, Castle may just run to spite you. LOL.

  3. anonone says:

    Unfortunately, there is nothing “studied” about Joe Biden’s “casualness.”

    Me thinks that Castle is running or he would have announced his retirement by now so some other repub could crawl out from under their rock and get their campaign started.

  4. FSP says:

    “This quote furthers the narrative that Beau is out to earn the seat, rather than having it be given to him.”

    Exactly. A narrative that will need furthering time and again.

  5. David says:


    “Exactly. A narrative that will need furthering time and again.”

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Sometimes narratives are true, FSP. Running for the seat without an appointment is “earning” it on his own.

  7. FSP says:

    “Sometimes narratives are true, FSP. Running for the seat without an appointment is “earning” it on his own.”

    Truth is irrelevant. All that matters is perception.

    I’m not making an accusation, just pointing out the likely perception.

  8. oh hai says:

    Poor Hunter. The “Finest Man” mantle is taken.

    Runner up, “Helluva guy.”

  9. If an Hall of Fame major leaguer is telling you during the pregame show that the third baseman will be in the hall of fame someday… you look at him differently when he gets that base hit an hour later. All of the sudden a .500 batting average for the day looks magnificent when it is just 2 for 4.

    Biden jr’s biggest challenge will be Castle, because of the sheep vote. They always voted for Castle, and unless he rapes a nun in the Roosevelt Room they will always vote for Castle because they voted for him back when he actually made his own decisions in Dover.

    You know, back when they passed that bill giving Pterodactyls the right of way.

  10. David says:

    That running for reelection while running for VP then getting a trusted old friend to hold the seat so that it is open trick seems to make repeating the narrative necessary.

  11. Geezer says:

    Can someone explain to me where “he’ll make a fine senator” comes from? What in his background would make him a better senator than 100 other Delawareans?

  12. FSP says:

    “Can someone explain to me where “he’ll make a fine senator” comes from?”

    The mouth of a proud father.

  13. jason330 says:

    “he’ll make a fine senator” ..compared to Christine O’Whackjob.

    I think case is easy to make.

    FSP says:

    Truth is irrelevant. All that matters is perception.

    His personal philosophy of life?

  14. Geezer says:

    Except he’s not running against her, he’s running against Mike Castle. Outside of the fact that Beau will vote with the D’s (as long as we keep him away from Carper) and Castle with the R’s, why would Beau be better? Because you know what Castle believes in and Beau’s still a blank slate? What has he ever done and stuck to in his life? What has he fought for?

  15. I wonder if O’Donnell will cause Castle problems in a primary.

  16. There’s no doubt a Biden/Castle Senate race would be a (figurative, no such thing as a literal) gold mine for the blogs.

    However, just not being Castle is not enough to make El Somnambulo go all in on the Beaudhisattva (copyright pending).

    Just how is the path that Biden is able to traverse any different (albeit on a larger scale) than the Yellow Brick Road being laid out for Tommy “That’s My Mommy!” Cook?

    Nobody knows yet if Beau is even qualified for the elective office he currently holds.

    The Beast Who Slumbers understands (and despises) Realpolitik. However, he would love to see a qualified and credible D jump into the Senate race right now. Someone with more than merely a political birthright to recommend them.

  17. callerRick says:

    All of this is pure conjecture…Mike Miller is looming on the horizon.

  18. FSP says:

    “FSP says:

    Truth is irrelevant. All that matters is perception.

    His personal philosophy of life?”

    No. It’s an immutable political fact. Maybe if I phrased it as an “honest question” you’d understand better.

  19. jason330 says:

    Here are 2 things that ain’t happening:

    1) A qualified and credible D not named Biden jumping into the Senate race.

    2) Mike Castle jumping into the Senate race.

    Biden’s (virtual) announcement above seals the deal. Castle is out.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    @CallerRick: Miller has his heart set on the Congressional seat. Remember, it is his seat! (Ha!)

    @Geezer: No, I don’t know what Castle believes. He was a supposed moderate who then voted with Bush 95% of the time, and he voted with the Party of No against the stimulus.

  21. anon says:

    Castle’s Senator. Wharton will win AG, rematch against Beau or not. Beau has no other viable option but to muscle out Carney, which we know ain’t happenin’, especially after his water carrier Mcglinchey was spanked.

    2010 will be a year of heavy beatings for all the lightweight Democrat newbies running around, including Beau. Basically Beau is finished and Delaware is better off for it.

  22. Geezer says:

    “2010 will be a year of heavy beatings for all the lightweight Democrat newbies running around, including Beau.”

    Beatings by whom? The Delaware GOP? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

  23. The Delaware GOP really contains just one guy who can win statewide, Mike Castle. There’s not enough of him to administer beatings all around.

  24. John Manifold says:

    Som may have undisclosed issues with Cook, but he’s been a very capable elections commissioner and de facto secretary of finance.

    Biden III has had his active management of the DoJ cut short, but while he was in the director’s chair, he assembled the best array of top-line talent seen in the AG’s office in 30 years.

  25. What about the huge mistakes made in the DSU case?

  26. jason330 says:

    Has Beau been caught in bed with a dead woman or a live boy?

    Okay then.

  27. FSP says:

    “Som may have undisclosed issues with Cook, but he’s been a very capable elections commissioner and de facto secretary of finance.”

    And being de facto secretary of finance for a state 800 million in the hole speaks well for him? Bouncing around state government with his mother as a patron speaks well for him?

    I’ve seen enough out of Jones-Potter to know that the state is far better off with her as the D candidate than Tom Cook.