Delaware Liberal

The Biden Tease Begins…

There is a difference between the Castle Tease and the Biden Tease. Castle is doing it himself. Biden can’t so long as he is on duty in Iraq, a tour which ends in September. So his father steps up to the plate:

GREGORY: What advice have you given your son about a potential run for the Senate in the state?

BIDEN: Whatever you decide to do, make sure there’s something you’re willing to lose over. Don’t just do it for — because it’s the next step. If you conclude that you care deeply about something that you’re willing to lose over it in a campaign, then do it.

GREGORY: Would you like to see him run?

BIDEN: I think he’d make a great senator. But, you know, I learned a long time ago that, with him, anyway, that he is — he’s his own man. He had an opportunity to be appointed attorney general. He wouldn’t do it. There was even some speculation he had an opportunity to be appointed to the Senate. He wouldn’t do it. He decided he had to be with his guys.

And so this is — I’m going to say something that people are going to criticize. This is the finest man I’ve ever known in my life, my son.

Well, those people would have to be particularly evil to criticize a father for thinking his son was a fine man. But I am sure some Republicans will do it. Evil is their specialty. This quote furthers the narrative that Beau is out to earn the seat, rather than having it be given to him. And if Castle runs, than no one can say that Beau is being given anything. Speaking of Castle, it seems to me, from reading between the lines here, that Joe knows Castle is going to run, and that there is a possibility that Beau could lose if he runs. That is interesting.

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