Who is the Other Dem?

Filed in National by on June 15, 2009

In the poll at the left, we are asking who you think the 2010 Senate Matchup will be. The field is still fluid, with both Beau Biden and Mike Castle weighing their options. The only announced candidate that I am aware of Christine O’Donnell. I think the “DELAWARE WAY” has already decreed that Mike Castle shall be Senator and John Carney shall be Representative. So let’s say that Beau Biden does not run for Senate, and runs for reelection to AG instead.

Who is the “Other Dem” we reference in the poll, the presumably sacrificial lamb to the Delaware Way?

Here are the choices as I see it:

Ted Kaufman
Chris Coons
John Kowalko
Karen Peterson
Karen Hartley Nagle
Mike Miller
Paul Clark
Tom Gordon
Sherry Freebery
Dennis Spivack
Jerry Northington
Chris Bullock
Bryron Short
Mike Katz
Brian Selander
Matt Denn
John Brady
Karen Weldin Stewart

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  1. I think Kaufman should run. If now Kaufman, then Denn. Denn would actually have a free shot, since he’s not up for election next year, as would Coons.

  2. jason330 says:

    It is gonna be Beau Biden.

  3. jason330 says:

    “Fuck Texas!” is beating “other Dem v. C. O’WJ

    Just sayin’

  4. JimD says:

    I was actually thinking about this the other day, while we make fun of the Republican Party in Delaware, how many rising stars does the Democratic Party have? Markell, Denn, Little Biden, and… Its kind of sad actually.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Actually Jim, we have plenty of rising stars:

    Karen Peterson
    John Kowalko
    Mike Katz
    Matt Denn

    Here is me predicting the future:

    2010: Castle is elected to the Senate over Chris Coons. Carney is elected to the House in a landslide over O’Donnell. Biden is reelected to the AG.

    2012: Obama-Biden relected over Gingrich-Palin. Markell-Denn reelected over Copeland-Nixon. Carney reelected over Protack. Brady defeats KWS in primary, and wins the IC uncontested in the fall. Carper is defeated by Scott in a shocking primary race. Scott defeats O’Donnell for the Senate.

    2014: Castle retires. Carney runs for Senate v. Copeland. Biden runs for Representative.

    And then my crystal ball gets cloudy.

  6. jason330 says:

    Carper is defeated by Scott in a shocking primary race. Scott defeats O’Donnell for the Senate.

    Carper better pray that I don’t hit the Powerball , because if I do – IT IS SO ON!

  7. El Somnambulo would KILL to see Karen Peterson take on and whup Castle. He’d also KILL to see Karen Peterson take on and whup Tom ‘Suspendered Disbelief’ Wagner.

    She is Delaware’s best and most progressive legislator, she doesn’t shrink from a fight, she is by far the best antidote to the ‘Delaware Way’ of doing things, and she’d win.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    And then my crystal ball gets cloudy.

    You forgot the bit where Mike Protack becomes a permanent feature outside of NCCo Airport wearing a sandwich sign blaming Obama for not creating the warp drive engine.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    It is really interesting to me that there is no one from the City of Wilmington on the list of alternate Dems.

    Not that I am advocating for anyone to be there (I certainly am not), but you’d think that the state’s greatest concentration of Dems might have a rising star someplace.

  10. You don’t consider KWS a rising star?

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    Baker is retiring after this term. The only rising star I see in Wilmington is Sam Prado. I hope he runs for County Council and maybe Congress.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    I am sorry, that is a lie. I forgot about Congo, Ignudo, Martelli, and Wright. They are all the future of Wilmington. One of them will be Mayor eventually. But for a future in DE politics, they have to leave the City Council.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Sam Prado


    Martelli and Congo are possible, both but have some track record to build before I can make a judgment.

  14. anon says:

    ÿóu guys reveal how disconnected from reality and/or what is going on in Delaware, when you put forth a list like that. Wow.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    So do you have your own list to share or are you just being cranky?

  16. jason330 says:

    You forgot the bit where Mike Protack becomes a permanent feature outside of NCCo Airport wearing a sandwich sign blaming Obama for not creating the warp drive engine.

    You kill me!

  17. Gabriel says:

    KWS running for national office even as “the other Dem” sacrificial lamb is a joke, right? Does anyone remember the Peter Principle, reaching the level of your incompetence? KWS went way beyond it already by getting elected IC on Obama’s coattails.

  18. Delaware Dem says:


    Are you aware of a super duper secret list of Democratic politicians that could potentially run for SENATE that are yet not on the above list?

    Tell us how connected you are, anon.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    OK I’m thinking that this anon just might be Mike Miller.

    That seat is his, you know.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    Nah. Because Mike is on the list. I take it that this anon is either “in the know” about a unnamed stealth candidate that is somehow known to everyone but the 10 contributors here at DL, or this anon is just bitter towards DL for no reason.

  21. I’m excited to hear about this unknown Senate candidate.