Deep Thought

Filed in National by on June 16, 2009

The good thing about Iran’s “green revolution” is that it is happening at a time in which George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are not around to screw it up.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. When I have time, I’ll have to find what John McCain said about the Iran election. All I remember is that I’m so, so, so, so glad that McCain isn’t president.

  2. nemski says:

    . . . . and Sarah Palin, Vice-President.

  3. Here is McCain’s take, summed up by Matt Yglesias:

    His twitterview today with Jake Tapper is full of examples as he talks about Iran not so much as an actual country full of actual people doing actual things in a difficult situation, but instead as a kind of phantasmagoric canvass onto which we should paint a tableau of American hubris and militarism.

    But nothing sums it up better than this Tweet:

    @jaketapper no prediction, but if we are steadfast eventually the Iranian people will prevail. But this regime has tight control.

    That’s right. Whether or not the Iranian people prevail depends on how steadfast we are. How steadfast we are in what? In wishing them well? In tweeting mean things about the Iranian security services? Of course what Americans do isn’t totally irrelevant, but it’s unquestionably a peripheral factor in this drama. Iran is a country populated by Iranians, and their fate is primarily in their own hands.

  4. jason330 says:

    Iran not so much as an actual country full of actual people doing actual things in a difficult situation, but instead as a kind of phantasmagoric canvass onto which we should paint a tableau of American hubris and militarism.

    That sums up so much of Republicanism actually.

    People who need abortions are not women in facing health crisis, they are theoretical pawns in a jolly game of chess.

    Students in public schools aren’t actual human beings perhaps struggling against poverty and dysfunction, they are philosophical debits and credits in some imagined score keeping ledger.

    I pine for the days when conservative mean “practical” and “thrifty.” Now it is all dorm room poli-sci bullshittery.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    Actually I suspect one of the reasons Mousavi garnered so much support is the opportunity the progressives and reformers saw in Obama. Mousavi isn’t exactly liberal if you know what I mean, but he is interested in better relations with the West… rather that say the Amedinejad stance of WWIII nuke style…

  6. Phil says:

    I pine for the days when conservative mean “practical” and “thrifty.” Now it is all dorm room poli-sci bullshittery.”

    wow, me and jason agree on something.

    Rumsfeld isn’t in there, but good old Bush buddy Gates is.

  7. You miss the point again.

    Obama is the one who lost and of course Iran.

    Obama gives the Cairo speech and gives Iran a video and they proceed to elect a guy who wants to wipe Israel off the map and has destroyed the Iranian economy.

    It seems Hope and Change doesn’t cut it in Iran and now Obama will be left holding the bag when Israel attacks the nuclear sites because Obama won’t act.

    The President lost badly.

    Mike Protack

  8. G Rex says:

    Geez Mike, get a clue. The Iranian people didn’t elect anybody, the Guardian Council elected him. Blaming President Obama for a made up voting result is silly. That said, Obama does have an opportunity to encourage the democracy movement, like with a strong speech or something, but he’s letting it slip by. You can blame him all you want if the movement fizzles out.

  9. jason330 says:

    So he is “Rebuild the Delaware GOP” again? That would be interesting if spending any time thinking about Protack was not a complete waste of time.

  10. G Rex,

    The last thing Obama should do is make a statement in support of the opposition. This will weaken them because Ahmadinejad’s forces will say the opposition is tools of the Americans. The U.S. doesn’t have the greatest reputation in that part of the world (I know it’s hard to believe).

  11. delacrat says:

    “they (iranians)proceed to elect a guy who wants to wipe Israel off the map

    Another right-wing canard, regurgitated by Protack. Ahmedinejad never said “wipe israel off the map.”

    It seems Hope and Change doesn’t cut it in Iran and now Obama will be left holding the bag when Israel attacks the nuclear sites because Obama won’t act.

    Protack yearns for armageddon. Sick.