I think you can make money on Romney at 26. You’d have to be ready to dump him at 36 when the Christain shot callers tell him that his faith is akin to Wicca. Buy
Jindal. 16 is close to the top for him. The one thing Republican primary voters value above all is that a guy is “Presidential looking.” To the GOP faithful Jindal is 7-11 looking. (Hey, that’s not me being racists, it is the GOP primary voter. Just check out the Michelle Obama thread if you doubt it.) Sell!
Palin is a Strong Buy at 12.8 Not because she is going to be the nominee – but she knows how to work the GOP gravy train. I see her travlin’ around Iowa and gettin’ all sassy which will excite gullible morons and CHA-CHING!
Pawlenty at 12.1. There is upside here. Buy
Huckabee like Palin knows how to get cash in his pocket by showing the rubes and gap-toothed losers in the heartland shiny boubles. At 10.1 he is a blue chip pick. Strong Buy
The market does not seem to know what to make of Huntsman.
Speaking as a Democrat I’d love to see Gingrich get the nomination. As an American, the fact that he is even included on this list makes me puke. He’ll drive up his speaking fees by flirting with a run – but he knows full well that he’ll never be President. at 5.3… Buy