Delaware Liberal

Castle, Carper and Kaufman: DE’s Triumvirate on Healthcare Reform

The Stand With Dr. Dean campaign is seeking help getting clear answers from the Senate on where they stand in the current health care reform debate with regard to a public option. Senator Kaufman has already come out and stated that he supports a public option, and the false moderate Congressman Mike Castle has already come out against it. Tom Carper had not yet embraced a position. Given that Castle will and already is at the center of the negotiations in the House, and given that Carper, with his Blue Dog status, will be key in the Senate, it is time to Stand with Dr. Dean and get clear committments from all three of Representatives in Congress.

Yes, Kaufman is already on our side. But we need to get the pressure up so that he realizes Americans want healthcare reform. So we need to call him as well, and congratulate him on supporting the public option. With respect to our vaunted centrist, Mike Castle, tell him that we will remember his vote against us in 2010, no matter which office he runs for, and that maybe he should think about changing his position if he really wants a promotion. As for Carper, just ask him the following:

1. Do you support a public healthcare option as part of healthcare reform?
2. If so, do you support a public healthcare option that is available on day one?
3. Do you support a public healthcare option that is national, available everywhere, and accountable to Congress?
4. Do you support a public healthcare option that can bargain for rates from providers and big drug companies?

The following is their contact information:

Sen Thomas Carper
Phone: 202-224-2441 | Fax: 202-228-2190

Rep Michael Castle
Phone: 202-225-4165 | Fax: 202-225-2291

Sen Edward Kaufman
Phone: 202-224-5042 | Fax: 202-228-3075

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