Why Do Congressional Republicans Hate The Troops?

Filed in National by on June 17, 2009

We don’t expect you to actually answer this, but what is it with these people?  They’ve decided to vote against a war funding supplemental — something that used to be the Most UnAmerican.Thing.Ever.   What I really want to know is:

  • whether you’ve seen or heard of any reports of this action giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
  • Or if you see any reports of this action actually destroying the morale of our troops.
  • Or if you note any media outlets highlighting this flip flop by Congressional Republicans to decide to not just hate the troops, but to vote against an IMF appropriation that 1) they pretty much voted for without issue previously, and 2) that amounts to about what they’ll get in earmarks anyway.

NPR this AM ran a story on this and made the flip flip not only the tease for the story but they also reminded us that John Kerry voted against a funding bill and Bushco — campaigning for re-election — hammered him for that.  Telling his credulous audiences that Kerry was more interested in his political stance than in the success of the troops.  They played the clip from BushCo’s stump speech and I was surprised that they kept coming back to that.  But good on them and hope they do more of this.

So if you hear or see any instances of the items above, let us know in the comments.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (17)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Mike “Mr Courage” Castle will break with his GOP overlords.

  2. Given that the bill cuts funding for the war while providing a 66% increase in foreign aid funding, it strikes me that a negative vote is the patriotic thing to do.

    Now if this were a clean war funding bill, you might have a point.

    Besides, why does there need to be funding for the war? I thought that Barry Hussein told us he was going to bring the troops home.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    There you go with the rationalizations again. You’ll feel better if you just say that you hate the troops.

  4. jason330 says:

    “Barry Hussein”

    Someone’s sore ass is showing.

  5. Rebecca says:

    They are turning into political zombies right before our eyes. When you are out of power it is tough — God knows we can understand that — but holy whatever, just being constantly obstructionist is going to eventually sink in, with even the lowest-information voter. Zombies.

  6. Let me ask you a question — would you vote for the bill if it contained a reaffirmation of DADT and DOMA?

  7. Jason — interesting that you object, given your history of negative nicknames for his predecessor.

  8. Another uninformed post. The vote also had a $5 billion add on for the IMF.

    I don’t believe the IMF is part of the DOD?

    Obama is losing the war in Afghanistan, great leadership Mr. President.

    Mike Protack

  9. John Manifold says:

    From the RSC mailing list. The best you can hope for athletes is that they’ll be non-political.

    Politics and Pigskin: Meet Garry Cobb!

    NFL star Garry “G” Cobb is coming to Wilmington. Join the Young Republicans at CW Harborside on Friday June 19 from 6:30-8:30pm. Cobb is a classic case of a former NFL star who transitioned successfully to a radio and television career.

  10. So, Republicans never put amendments on bills. What about the one for carrying loaded concealed weapons in national parks on the budget?

  11. delacrat says:

    When the Democratic congress votes to fund a war, after most of it’s members had previously campaigned against it , and then excoriates the GOP for opposing war funding, now THAT is HYPOCRISY.

  12. Dana says:

    How interesting that your articl;e omitted why the GOP voted against the bill:

    But Republicans say this year is different. Democrats have included a $5 billion increase for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help aid nations affected by the global financial crisis. Republicans say that is reason enough to vote against the entire $106 billion spending bill and are certain voters will understand.

    You know as well as anyone else that, had this provision not been in there, the GOP would have voted for the funding.

    Ahhh, but with a looming deficit of $1.85 trillion, what’s giving away another measley $5 billion?

  13. anonone says:

    Republicans say that is reason enough to vote against the entire $106 billion spending bill and are certain voters will understand.

    I am sure that they will understand just like they did in 2006 and 2008. They also might understand that the S&P 500 is up 30% since Obama was inaugurated.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    And Dana ignored my own observation that this kind of funding of the IMF never gets this kind of scrutiny previously. Repubs — including Boehner voted for this kind of funding for the Asian financial crisis in the 90’s. So this bill presents a parley of GOP flipflops — IMF funding and war funding.

    what’s giving away another measley $5 billion?

    Get your guys to give up their earmark requests and you are part way there.

  15. callerRick says:

    If the Dems want to fund the troops, fund the troops….not the IMF.

  16. Geezer says:

    “Ahhh, but with a looming deficit of $1.85 trillion, what’s giving away another measley $5 billion?”
