Delaware Liberal

Dinner with a Republican/homophobe

I occasionally entertain Republicans that pay for my dinner.  I do this about 1x a week, sometime’s twice.  Last night’s was especially fun because the person was on fire I tell you.

Apparently he had watched Rosie O’Donnel on CBS Sunday Morning the other day and learned that she is a “Very, very angry woman.”

He was also concerned that because of her child abuse it is the reason she turned gay.  Then the conversation started getting really good.  He said that he would be really worried about those kids she adopted.  Why would he be worried you ask?  Because! That’s how “they” start their farms.  “I’d really be more worried if it was a gay man though.  That’s how they start their farms”

WTF?!!!  Where do you come up with this stuff?  I told him I’d be more worried if it was a priest doing it.

“Well, yeah, that too”

“You are talking about Pedophiles.  Not gay people.”

“No, that’s not what I mean”

“You are so damn ignorant you know that”

Note at this point, we are both laughing.  My wife is shaking her head of course.

Then he goes off on a tangent and starts saying that as “they” (the gays) are superficial.  And, as they get older they have a harder time finding a partner because they are older and older people aren’t as attractive.  Soooooooo, because they get older and less attractive they act more gay and act out more gay like.

He then went on to say that one night he was out at a bar with some friends and a question came up about something or other in San Francisco.  So, he called a gay friend he knows to find out the answer (100% true)  Surprisingly the friend was angry with him, he wasn’t entirely sure why though…

As the discussion moved on to another gay friend of his he noted how he found it amusing that the diminutive flashy guy had a boyfriend that was similar in appearance as the guy.  He wanted to ask him how he found another gay guy that looked just like him.  I added that he really wanted to ask how is their two gay guys almost identical.  “yeah, I wanted to know how he could find another one just like him.”


Don’t even get me started on how Bush couldn’t have ruined the economy, but Obama is.

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