Delaware Liberal

Dispatch From An Alternate Reality #3

Republicans have really taken the solidarity with the people of Iran a little too far.

From the #twitter fail files:

Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) tweeted:

Good to see Iranian people move mountains w social media, shining sunlight on their repressive govt – Texans support their bid for freedom

Oppressed minorities include House Repubs: We are using social media to expose repression such as last night’s D clampdown shutting off amends.

Yes, a Republican Congressman thinks that being in the minority in the House is just like what the Iranian people are going through.

In case you thought it was just a one time thing, here’s Rep. Pete Hoekstra:

Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House.

TPM collected some of the funnier Twitter replies to Rep. Hoekstra.

ArjunJaikumar @petehoekstra i spilled some lukewarm coffee on myself just now, which is somewhat analogous to being boiled in oil

chrisbaskind @petehoekstra My neighbor stopped me to talk today. Now I know what it is like to be questioned by the Basij!

luckbfern @petehoekstra I stand in solidarity with the oppressed rich white men of Repub Party in the House. #GOPfail Allah Akbar!

aciolino @petehoekstra Today I poked my finger on a hanger. Now I know what all those aborted babies go through.

ceedub7 @petehoekstra I got a splinter in my hand today. Felt just like Jesus getting nailed to the cross.

netw3rk @petehoekstra Someone walked in on me while I was in the bathroom. Reminded me of Pearl Harbor.

MattOrtega Walked out onto Constitution Ave in D.C. and was almost hit by a taxi. Reminded me of Tienanmen Square.

You can have your own fun at Rep. Hoekstra’s expense here.

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