Delaware Liberal

Frank Luntz Tells Them What to Say — Health Care Edition

Everyone who has paid attention to politics since Bill Clinton knows the name of Frank Luntz. He is a GOP pollster whose specialty is messaging. As in finding the words that either make it easier for people to emotionally engage on a position. Key to this effort is that truth or accuracy or anything near it is not crucial. Nor is it crucial to use language to educate people about the terms of the debate. Putting up slogans — often misleading as to their actual position is the game.

Yesterday morning I had one of those rare chances to listen to Al Mascitti for abit in my office. And who calls in? Mr. Shallow Bench who is telling Al that Luntz has done some amazing polling on what a health care plan needs to look like. This amazes me, because Luntz doesn’t do this kind of polling, so I went back to look at the Luntz findings, and it is still not a real poll on what people want or even their attitudes on an issue. These polls are designed to produce honest-to-god Talking Points. So take a good look at the Talking Points you’ll be hearing ad-infinitum from repubs for the next few months (and have been hearing already):

(1) Humanize your approach. Abandon and exile ALL references to the “healthcare system.” From now on, healthcare is about people. Before you speak, think of the three components of tone that matter most: Individualize. Personalize. Humanize.

(2) Acknowledge the “crisis” or suffer the consequences. If you say there is no healthcare crisis, you give your listener permission to ignore everything else you say. It is a credibility killer for most Americans. A better approach is to define the crisis in your terms. “If you’re one of the millions who can’t afford healthcare, it is a crisis.” Better yet, “If some bureaucrat puts himself between you and your doctor, denying you exactly what you need, that’s a crisis.” And the best: “If you have to wait weeks for tests and months for treatment, that’s a healthcare crisis.”

(3) “Time” is the government healthcare killer. As Mick Jagger once sang, “Time is on Your Side.” Nothing else turns people against the government takeover of healthcare than the realistic expectation that it will result in delayed and potentially even denied treatment, procedures and/or medications. “Waiting to buy a car or even a house won’t kill you. But waiting for the healthcare you need – could. Delayed care is denied care.”

(4) The arguments against the Democrats’ healthcare plan must center around “politicians,” “bureaucrats,” and “Washington” … not the free market, tax incentives, or competition. Stop talking economic theory and start personalizing the impact of a government takeover of healthcare. They don’t want to hear that you’re opposed to government healthcare because it’s too expensive (any help from the government to lower costs will be embraced) or because it’s anti-competitive (they don’t know about or care about current limits to competition). But they are deathly afraid that a government takeover will lower their quality of care – so they are extremely receptive to the anti-Washington approach. It’s not an economic issue. It’s a bureaucratic issue.

(5) The healthcare denial horror stories from Canada & Co. do resonate, but you have to humanize them. You’ll notice we recommend the phrase “government takeover” rather than “government run” or “government controlled” It’s because too many politician say “we don’t want a government run healthcare system like Canada or Great Britain” without explaining those consequences. There is a better approach. “In countries with government run healthcare, politicians make YOUR healthcare decisions. THEY decide if you’ll get the procedure you need, or if you are disqualified because the treatment is too expensive or because you are too old. We can’t have that in America.”

(6) Healthcare quality = “getting the treatment you need, when you need it.” That is how Americans define quality, and so should you. Once again, focus on the importance of timeliness, but then add to it the specter of “denial.” Nothing will anger Americans more than the chance that they will be denied the healthcare they need for whatever reason. This is also important because it is an attribute of a government healthcare system that the Democrats CANNOT offer. So say it. “The plan put forward by the Democrats will deny people treatments they need and make them wait to get the treatments they are allowed to receive.”

(7) “One-size-does-NOT-fit-all.” The idea that a “committee of Washington bureaucrats” will establish the standard of care for all Americans and decide who gets what treatment based on how much it costs is anathema to Americans. Your approach? Call for the “protection of the personalized doctor-patient relationship.” It allows you to fight to protect and improve something good rather than only fighting to prevent something bad.

(8) WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE are your best targets for how to bring down costs. Make no mistake: the high cost of healthcare is still public enemy number one on this issue – and why so many Americans (including Republicans and conservatives) think the Democrats can handle healthcare better than the GOP. You can’t blame it on the lack of a private market; in case you missed it, capitalism isn’t exactly in vogue these days. But you can and should blame it on the waste, fraud, and abuse that is rampant in anything and everything the government controls.

(9) Americans will expect the government to look out for those who truly can’t afford healthcare. Here is the perfect sentence for addressing cost and the limited role for government that wins you allies rather than enemies: “A balanced, common sense approach that provides assistance to those who truly need it and keeps healthcare patient-centered rather than government-centered for everyone.”

(10) It’s not enough to just say what you’re against. You have to tell them what you’re for. It’s okay (and even necessary) for your campaign to center around why this healthcare plan is bad for America. But if you offer no vision for what’s better for America, you’ll be relegated to insignificance at best and labeled obstructionist at worst. What Americans are looking for in healthcare that your “solution” will provide is, in a word, more: “more access to more treatments and more doctors…with less interference from insurance companies and Washington politicians and special interests.”

Any of this sound familiar? I’ve heard them on the news I hear. And it is the biggest puzzle to me how it is that the official GOP Talking Points on this thing can be published far and wide and I can still hear repubs saying this stuff on NPR and the reporters don’t push back on it. I mean, the reporters know already from reports like this that there is a bunch of made up crap to get into the conversation, so how is it that they don’t use this as a road map for pushing for something real?

In any event, take a good look at the scope of the arguments that will be mounted. And always remember that they don’t even own their own words. Frank Luntz crafts them up, their radio handlers broadcast it and the minions repeat it as if it were gospel. It will be content free, certainly, and you won’t get much official journalistic effort to get behind this crap. But since you can see the whole of the talking playbook, you do have a better chance at countering this stuff. And counter it you will have to. There won’t be anyone else to do it.

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