They Are Losing Their Minds

Filed in National by on June 19, 2009

They are crazy.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has now signed up with the Birther cause — the people who think Barack Obama isn’t a natural-born citizen and should be required to produce a birth certificate (which he already did, anyway) — World Net Daily reports.

Is this all they have?  Looks like it.  The 21% Rocks!  Go Palin!!!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (96)

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  1. callerRick says:

    Posting a birth certificate online doesn’t mean anything. On the other hand, supposedly a birth announcement was printed in a Honolulu newspaper….to me, this pretty much proves he was born in Hawaii.

    People have to produce birth certificates to get a Social Security card or a passport. It’s no big deal (unless you happen to have been born in Washington DC, and lost your original, as I did….what a nightmare).

    Why not end the controversy, and just produce a birth certificate to Congress?

  2. jason330 says:

    What controversy?

  3. anon says:

    Jason, the one you choose to ignore.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    There is no controversy about his birth. People who call it that live in an alternate reality where nuts are considered geniuses. The rest of us that live in reality think the birther conspiracy theorists are just crazy.

  5. flutecake says:

    My family all lives in Oklahoma-stan, whence came I.

    So sad, miss them (liberal hold outs, still, I think I am related to the last 2 dozen liberals in Oklahoma-stan) but not the place.

    All their politicians are loons, even their DINOs.

    I may have mentioned this before. I probably will mention it again.

    Alaska is more liberal than Okla., I think.

  6. anonone says:


    Obama is actually an alien from outer space. He landed in Area 51 in Nevada in a pod. Forging a birth certificate and a run of old Honolulu newspapers was easy for his martian controllers.

    The question you should be asking is where he plugs in at night for power. He has a socket somewhere that is hidden on his body. Also, he gets a special ray from his teleprompter – that is why he always uses one.

    This is all kind of hush-hush, but everybody in D.C. knows about it…just sayin’

  7. flutecake says:

    @anonone; ROFLMFAO

  8. anon says:

    UI- Seriously, he can’t just invite the whole world to a central location to view and authenticate it?

    And spare me the ultimate bullshit line he shouldn’t have to….if there’s nothing to hide what’s the problem??? and he would get to shove it up the ass of all the birthers….

    not doing it simply confirms aloofness and enititlement. Not doing it in inexplicable to average Americans, defending it along the lines of he shouldn’t have to show it is the SAME thing as Bush not releasing WH documents on torture or e-mails….

    you cannot have it both ways, unless you wish to be labeled a hypocrite. I’m not a Republican, or a birther, but one who just thinks the common sense solution is show the fucking thing and shut these idiots up, don’t and now you’re the suspicious one…..

  9. anonone says:


    Did you see Bush’s birth certificate? Do you personally know anyone who has? Who authenticated that? Did he invite the whole world to a central location to view and authenticate it? He didn’t even put it on the internets, did he?

    Why not? Do you think Barbara Bush was even capable of giving birth at the time George was born? Look at her, she had to have been pushing 60 back then. She is at least 110 years old today.

    Where did George W come from and who is his REAL Mom? I think he was born in that place in Russia where they get really really old by eating yogurt.

  10. jason330 says:

    Seriously, what controversy?

    Is it now controversial that crazy people act crazy?

  11. anon says:

    If a citizen of the US asked GW, then he certainly should show it. No one is above the law, why Obama?All citizens should, if asked to satisfy requirements of the US Constitution, show proof of birth or any other mandated proof.

    Do you reallyt think tat by making some lame analogy to a previous president thatthe argument for simply showing it goes away.

    Name one, just one reason to not show it.

  12. nemski says:

    I’m with Jason330 on this one. Just because a few hundred loons with tin-hats hats are going ape-shit, that does not make a controversy. Next we’ll be digging up Elvis’ rotting corpse.

  13. anon says:


  14. nemski says:

    Oh, great, the crazy guy sitting in a puddle of urine is keeping score.

  15. anon says:

    steeeeeee-rike 2.

  16. jason330 says:

    While not controversial, it could really be the campaign issue that will bring the GOP back.

    The nation is clamoring for more bullshit.

  17. anon says:

    Steeeeee-rike 3!!!!

    next batter!

  18. jason330 says:

    I want to click on that video, but it might turn out to be some crazy nonsensical baseball metaphor.

  19. nemski says:

    Ah, standard GOP fare — life is better with a Randy Newman soundtrack. 😉

  20. anon says:

    do IT, do it now….chicks dig the long ball:

    oh yeah, strike 1

  21. anon says:

    no, it’s funny

    strike 2!

  22. liberalgeek says:

    If Bush didn’t have to prove where he was during Vietnam, why should Obama have to do anything the retarded right asks?

    I have said it before and I’ll say it again: the candidate that was Constitutionally ineligible to be President was McCain. The Pamana Canal Zone is not US soil.

  23. anon says:

    agreed on McCain, Bush should show where he was in Vietnam, and Obama should show it, just show it. Now, because you tried:

    the count on 2nd batter is now 1-2.

  24. anon says:

    thanks, but that is strike 3.

    3rd batter please. 2 out now.

  25. jason330 says:

    I’m glad this guy decided to spend his 30 minutes not watching porn tonight here.

  26. liberalgeek says:

    And Andrew Jackson should really have proven that he wasn’t a bigamist.

    Roosevelt really screwed up by not walking right.

    And Lincoln should have had to do something to prove he wasn’t an atheist.

  27. anon says:

    funny, almost worth ball one, but…..strike 1.

  28. anon says:

    LG, none are constitutional mandates of qualification for Prez…..gotta bring a better game than that.

    STRIKE 2.

    one more and the SIDE IS RETIRED

  29. nemski says:

    damn, anon owned us.

  30. anon says:



  31. liberalgeek says:

    I’m starting to think the ump is from FOX Sports.

  32. jason330 says:

    Who knew it was so easy? Baseball was the key all along.


  33. anon says:

    that was fun, clearly no one can make a cogent argument for why he shouldn;t just show it and shut everyone the fuck up. I like Obama, but this one baffles me, just show the fucking thing, for real.

  34. jason330 says:

    Strike one.

    Try again.

  35. anon says:

    now……this one is worth a comment rescue…..don’t hate on me…..

    This is the lineup of DL:

    name yourselves as characters in a post with this video as the background.

  36. anonone says:

    BTW, this thread is futile. They lost their minds in ’92.

  37. anon2long says:

    Seriously, he can’t just invite the whole world to a central location to view and authenticate it?

    It has been viewed and authenticated in the central location of Chicago. There is no such thing as a “long form.”

    Hit the showers, Bush-leaguer.

  38. Art Downs says:

    Why the stonewalling over something as trivial as a birth certificate? How many times have each of us been obliged to produce one for a matter far more trivial than becoming president?

    “It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup” was the rationale impeaching Nixon.

    Why the secrecy? Produce the document and make the issue go away.

  39. anon says:

    to easy art, obfuscation is more fun, plus he should have to!

    What a load of shit, and the DLers know it too.

    BO is a god guy, and thus far a pretty good president. On this issue: an abfuscating idiot asshole.

  40. Obama has shown his birth certificate and the state of Hawaii authenticated it and sent out a press release. Nothing will satisfy the loons, they work on a faith-based system so when they’re proved wrong they just move the goalposts. Now they want to personally see it and handle it (and destroy it, probably). Obama has a passport – you have to show your birth certificate to get one. You also have to show one to get your driver’s license.

    That’s why this is completely ridiculous. No, he shouldn’t have to give in to the loons. His birth certificate is online. G. Gordon Liddy complained that it said “certificate of live birth” – meaning it wasn’t a birth certificate. Funny, though, that’s what mine says. I guess I can’t prove I’m a U.S. citizen.

    Here’s the snopes article on the supposed controversy. The lesson is never listen to rightwing loons demanding something. They are almost always full of fail.

    Homerun U.I.

  41. You know what’s ironic? There was one presidential candidate in 2008 that was born outside the U.S. His name was John McCain and he was born in Panama. Congress even passed a special law to make sure he’d be eligible to run for president. I notice the loons weren’t obsessing on that.

  42. jason330 says:


    If there is anyway to encourage these nutbags in this obsession I’ll be looking for it. When the words “birth certificate” are spoken by Sarah Palin at the next GOP convention it will mean that President Obama’s reelection is assured.

  43. pandora says:

    That’s the way I see it, Jason.

    Go Palin!

  44. anon says:

    snopes? as in Snopes the purveyor of truth and respository of record?



    People here can’t read very well. He should SHOW it again to shut the birthers up. I voted Obama, he’s my guy, but I do not like that he feels he does not have to answer this question. It is not answered despite your insistence….you have simply drunk the Kool-Aid.

    Just waiting for one reason why he should not show it and make this go away. JUST show it, what are you hiding……this is indeed crazy. BO crazy.

    Agree 100% on McCain. Please look up and see i’ve said this already.

    anon, leaps at the wall, caught. wah wah wahhhhhh. UI is headed back to the dugout…..

  45. anon says:

    UI, for the record.

    not in any way saying he should have been eligible, but McCain was born in the zone, not Panama proper as you state.

    Facts are nasty huh?

  46. pandora says:

    anon2long #39 provided the link to Fact about the birth certificate.

    This question has been asked and answered. Pretending it hasn’t places you in Little League.

  47. jason330 says:

    He should SHOW it again to shut the birthers up.

    I’m not sure you get it. We want you freaks talking about this.

    Carry on.

  48. And my point is that nothing will shut the birthers up. They operate in an alternate reality and if you show it to them (and his birth certificate has been shown, repeatedly) they will just move the goalposts to something else. I heard some complain that it wasn’t the original original it was a certified copy.

    You can already see it with anon. Factcheck and snopes aren’t good enough. Obama has to show it in person, to someone. And anon moved the goalposts with McCain, he was born in the Panama Canal zone, so that’s o.k.

    I see Jason’s point. As long as the birthers are spending time and money on this ridiculousness they’re not spending it on something else more destructive.

  49. anon says:

    UI has a SEVERE reading problem: I agree that McCain is/was not eligible. Is that clear enough?

    um, still not one cogent argument for not showing it. So easy, so simple, yet apparently so hard…..what is MY PRESIDENT hiding and why do people support his obfuscation? I know why DLers do, but come on….

  50. pandora says:

    …So already done.

  51. anon says:

    “moving the goal poasts”, that is funny shit,

  52. anon says:

    more are kept than broken, but one broken is a lie, no?

  53. anon says: also details the fact tha it is a short form reprint from 2007. timed with announcement to run? show the ORIGINAL. your own links are killing you on this one.

    pwn’d again!

  54. anon says:

    UI, NO one has seen his original long form. Why do you lie so much?

  55. See what I’m saying – nothing is ever good enough. It doesn’t matter about a birth announcement, a certification from the state of Hawaii, agreement from the Republican governor of Hawaii or an investigation proving it’s nothing by WorldNut Daily. Nothing is ever good enough. It’s not a long form, a head birther hasn’t seen it personally, whatever. It’s always about the idea and moving the goalposts.

  56. anon says:

    again, nothing substantive from you to rebut truth. I know you are truth challenged, but can you try?

  57. pandora says:

    Tell you what, anon. You keep working on this. Also, recruit as many other 21%ers to help you find the truth.

  58. Tom S says:

    don’t use CBS this time to forge the documents!

  59. FSP says:

    It’s brilliant, actually. They don’t address it, and it drives their opponents crazy and makes them look insane, and then they try to tie anyone that disagrees with them to the extreme factions of the opposition in an attempt to remove credibility.

  60. anon says:

    i know I am quite sane, as a BO supporter and voter, my common sense and right to know the truth do not go away, it is shamefule when progressive liberal subvert the quest for truth by marginalizing any opposing viewpoint.

    It reflects on them far more than me, the mainstream democrat.

  61. anon2long says:

    It’s brilliant, actually. They don’t address it, and it drives their opponents crazy and makes them look insane, and then they try to tie anyone that disagrees with them to the extreme factions of the opposition in an attempt to remove credibility.

    Wait until you see what we do to the Tenth Amendment fruitcakes.

  62. cassandra_m says:

    Why would anyone be interested in demands for either authenticity or identity from someone who posts as anon?

  63. callerRick says:

    “Obama has shown his birth certificate and the state of Hawaii authenticated it …”

    It is a Constitutional issue (citizenship). Thus, a federal authority must verify Obama’s birthplace, not the State of Hawaii.

    Just produce the birth certificate, like anyone else applying for a passport.

  64. Geezer says:

    “defending it along the lines of he shouldn’t have to show it is the SAME thing as Bush not releasing WH documents on torture or e-mails….”

    It’s not the same thing at all, and even suggesting it is makes me doubt your ability to reason. White House documents are government documents, and while courts have placed limits on what is available to the public and when (eventually all of them are supposed to be, but long after I’m dead), they remain public documents.

    This is far more analogous to all the documentation of George W.’s pre-election private life that have still never been revealed — or, when revealed, discussed. The drunk-driving conviction, the truncated National Guard service, the cocaine rumors — those are analogous to Obama’s birth certificate.

    Unless I fell into a coma sometime in the last eight years, we’re still waiting for George W. Bush to come clean.

    “Just produce the birth certificate, like anyone else applying for a passport.”

    Sure. Right after George reveals all his records, just like anyone else applying for a job.

    From the WH standpoint, by the way, I think FSP nails it. This WH’s strategy has, from the first, been to link all Republicans to the dittoheads and other Wingnutia elements of conservatism (I hesitate to say “the GOP” because I consider these people hijackers of the true, business-oriented GOP).

  65. Unfortunately for the saner, business-oriented GOP the GOP is now the party of wingnuttia.

    I haven’t personally seen George W. Bush’ birth certificate.

  66. jason330 says:

    Who doesn’t like a good nonsense thread once in a while?

    I’m not sure if my favorite is #62 in which anon pretends to be liberal or CallerRick #65 where he shows that he really believes this stuff.

  67. FSP says:

    “Wait until you see what we do to the Tenth Amendment fruitcakes.”

    Of course, the tenth amendment is actually in the Constitution. I happen to be a strong supporter of the Tenth Amendment. I quake with fear at what you might do to me. No, really, I do. Really. I do.

  68. Art Downs says:

    When my stepson attempted to open a bank account with an initial deposit of several thousands of dollars, he was obliged to produce a birth certificate with a raised seal. I had been a customer at the bank for quite a few years and there was nothing ‘exotic’ about his appearance. So we went home and found the document.

    Yet one big bank was soliciting undocumented (let none dare call them illegal) aliens as credit card customers.

    Why the difference in treatment?

    Produce the certificate and get on with things.

    Perhaps the Obama handlers want this issue to remain as a diversion so that ‘stealth socialism’ can be incrementally imposed.

  69. Progressive Mom says:

    Art — yea, cuz it’s really the “Obama handlers” that are pushing the birthcert issue. Because they want socialism. Incrementally. Imposed.

    Why torture people when you can torture logic?

    As for long form vs. short form vs. “raised seal”….9/11 made the whole area of “legitimate” birthcerts impossible to untangle. My case in point: identical “short form” birthcerts for my minor sons were sent in for passports on the same date. One was issued without comment; one was refused issuance because it was a short, not long, form.

    Does this mean my short form “certificate of live birth” son isn’t an American?

    Or does it mean he wasn’t really born?

    Or maybe it means he’s a secret Muslim…..

    I want this diversion so I can incrementally impose “mom-dom” in my universe…..

  70. There are witnesses who say the mother was not in America at the time of his birth and the birth announcement stuff was filed by the grandmother because she wanted to protect the American citizenship of her grandchild. One of his own half siblings says (allegedly) that he was not born in America. That is why there is a controversy which could be resolved by producing the birth certificate.

    It has been challenged in federal court. The President has an obligation to show his constitutional qualifications.

    After he does that then I am sure that we will be told that it is a clever forgery and a conspiracy between the White House and Hawaiian state officials. Let’s deal with one thing at a time.

    Right now the President is the one perpetuating the controversy. He alone is to blame for it.

  71. jason330 says:

    There are witnesses who say…

    that they have been taken aboard alien spacecraft.

  72. anon says:

    jason, I am a registered democrat. But I can’t support tactics of obfuscation, look where it got us with idiot Bush

  73. anonone says:


    You’re a registered nut.

  74. cassandra_m says:

    The only people obsfuscating here are the birthers. And TinFoilArt — who can’t get over how a the fine upstanding son of a fine upstanding member of Not Them has to show ID to open a bank account.

  75. liberalgeek says:

    It is a Constitutional issue (citizenship). Thus, a federal authority must verify Obama’s birthplace, not the State of Hawaii.

    Just produce the birth certificate, like anyone else applying for a passport.

    Since Obama has a passport, it would stand to reason that he has produced the appropriate document. Just not to you upon request.

    It is amazing that no other President has had such demands for proof of citizenship, but as soon as it’s a black guy with a funny name we need proof.

    I would love to know how someone can witness a baby not being born in Hawai’i.

  76. anon2long says:

    “Of course, the tenth amendment is actually in the Constitution. ”

    Of course it is. Just like the citizenship requirement.

    Just like the birthers, the Tenthers are naming a legitimate requirement and picking a fight on the grounds of some bogus violation. It is the common ground that all the nutcakes share.

    Maybe you can get Coburn to introduce a resolution declaring Obama is not the President. Oh, and that he is a Socialist and a Muslim too.

    Lots of sovereignty resolutions, but I guess it wasn’t important enough to take to the Supreme Court. Just another fundraising stunt for the 21% base, I guess.

  77. Speaking as someone who has LONG been on record as believing that Obama is a natural born citizen, I still think this isn’t a bad idea. Why not place this perfectly obligation on candidates/nominees?

  78. anon2long says:

    Of course, the tenth amendment is actually in the Constitution.

    I get it now – It is a variant of the Chewbacca defense:

    “If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!”

    “If the Tenth Amendment is in the Constitution, Obama’s agenda must be unconstitutional!”

    “If the Constitution requires that the President be a natural born citizen, Obama is not the President!”

    It all makes sense now.

  79. Geezer says:

    “Why torture people when you can torture logic?”

    Thank you for that one, ProgMom.


    “There are witnesses who say the mother was not in America at the time of his birth and the birth announcement stuff was filed by the grandmother because she wanted to protect the American citizenship of her grandchild. One of his own half siblings says (allegedly) that he was not born in America.”

    There’s also a man (IIRC a limo driver in Chicago) who claims he engaged in crack-smoking and homosexual relations with Obama. Nobody has been able to disprove that one, either.

  80. anon says:

    LG, are you so shallow that you think him bing black or having what YOU call a funny name is the reason? If he has it show it, just one reason why he can’t or shouldn’t, just one…….

    weak DLer responsed so far. weak.

  81. jason330 says:

    weak DLer responsed so far. weak.

    Luckily nothing (and I mean nothing) depends on anyone being impressed by DL response to wingnut nonsense.

  82. anon says:

    you have to love your own pre-puescent name calling, it is so mature.

    another non-argument for release of BC. I knjow you think this old donkey is insane, but your responses collectively bear out it is the wingnut left that is tryng to take over my party. Screw the crazy lefties, we need common sense, not divisive name calling.

    Show it, just show it.

  83. cassandra_m says:

    I’ll ask again, why would anyone be interested in demands for either authenticity or identity from someone who posts as someone who will provide neither authenticity or identity?

  84. pandora says:

    Perhaps we should ask anon when he stopped beating his wife? Gotta love the 21%ers – you guys keep on keepin’ on.

  85. anon says:

    the truth is not bound to identity, it exists in a vaccum, and apparently anywhere Obama is not.

  86. jason330 says:

    The notion that Obama needs to prove that he is American exits in the vacuum between your ears.

  87. cassandra_m says:

    But this anon is here arguing for authenticity and idenity now backing off claims for identity and apparently for authenticity too. Since he would apply this to Obama — who has already done the proof — but not to himself. Under your criteria, we shouldn’t think that you were legitimate at all unless you could prove who you were to us.

  88. anon says:

    jason, are you serious. Even if you disagree that he may not hve proved it adequately, surely you are not saying he need not be an American citizen at all? To be President it is a Contitutional mandate to be a citizen. Surely you don’t trample on this part, or do you.

    The DLers are like 0 for 40 on this thradso far.

    Not one single reason for him to not show it. Not one. If he’s a citizen, he just shows it and we all get along and the wingnut righties go away, until thenthe wingnut lefties abfucating obstructioists make us dems look like we have something to hide.

    your logic is completely non-exeistnt.

    casandra_m, your addled attempt to change the subject to me, the poster is as weak and lame as it comes. I am not the President, I am only one of the 58 million Americans from whom he gets his fucking authority. you should really bring an argument or simply STFU, so far you bring nothing.

  89. anon says:


  90. anon says:

    i apologize in advance for my spelling mistakes above

  91. cassandra_m says:

    The only person pnwd here is the anon who hides from the world while demanding to see the President’s birth certificate. Business that has been settled over and over and even litigated a few times. You are pnwd on this thing because you are the one here clearly piling on the tin foil — and looking stupider and stupider at every turn.

    When you actually have an argument to make rather than a malfunction of your tin foil perhaps people will engage you on it. But in the meantime you are in no position to tell anyone to STFU — haul your ass off to one of the many Glenn Beck Idiot Societies where you will clearly find company to your liking and perhaps better tin foil.

  92. Joanne Christian says:

    DLers-It’s OK. He’s not going anywhere. But did he really apply to Columbia as an international student?