There were a couple of eyebrow-raising articles in today’s News Journal.
First, Joe Biden for President 2016?
But when pressed on whether he’d rule out a White House run, Biden said, “No, I won’t. I won’t rule that out. No.”
Seriously, Joe? As the NJ points out, Biden would be 74 years old on inauguration day.
The second article is by Ron Williams. I know how some people here feel about Williams but I love the title of his column today “Republicans are trying to shoot their own feet.” Williams pretty accurately diagnoses the Republican strategy of trying to win over state workers, and why it won’t work for them. I really want to call attention to this part of the column:
Castle will be the GOP Senate candidate
Connecting dots on U.S. Rep. Mike Castle’s political futures page leads to only one conclusion: He’s running for the former Senate seat of Joe Biden next year. Expect a public announcement in the next month.
Castle is not yet talking, but there are a number of high-ranking Republican operatives who know Castle’s moods and inclinations, and they say hands down that he’s in for the seat now held by Ted Kaufman, Biden’s former chief of staff. Kaufman is stepping down in 2010.
If I owned a ranch, I’d bet it on a Castle candidacy. Whether it will be against Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, however, is another matter. Rumblings in the Democratic ranks indicate that Biden will stay put rather than risk a career-damaging defeat to Castle, one of the most popular and successful political candidates in Delaware history.
So, what do all of DLers think? Will Castle run? (If Castle doesn’t run, expect Jason to post I-told-you-sos for days.) Will Beau Biden run? Would Beau be able to watch another Democrat possibly take his father’s seat. Unlike a lot of people, I don’t think Mike Castle is unbeatable, especially if he keeps aligning himself with the party of no. If not Beau Biden, then who?