What’s Going On With The VCCB?

Filed in Delaware by on June 23, 2009

Last week, El Somnambulo wrote about the Violent Crimes Compensation Board and political patronage. The Joint Sunset Committee has a bill to change the VCCB to an appeals board. It’s a good change.

So, if the board is changing to an appeals board, why was a member appointed to a new three year term?

From the bill:

The role of the Board would become that of an Appeals Board.

The current Board members would serve out their existing term and continue to receive statutory compensation. Upon expiration of term, compensation would be $100 per day.
a. Upon expiration of existing member terms or vacancy, the Governor would be encouraged to appoint Appeal Board members to comply with the following:
(3) members that represent the medical, mental health and law enforcement fields and
(2) members at large.

So, the members are going to get the compensation from their unused terms. That’s a pretty nice $30,000 gift for a reappointment. Am I understand this incorrectly?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    So, if the board is changing to an appeals board, why was a member appointed to a new three year term?

    Sad to say, this could be one of the last acts of the late Senator Adams. The approval was rushed through by Adams (she was a friend of his) before the VCCB could be reformed.

  2. Art Downs says:

    It is all about patronage and the creation of sinecures for hacks. How many who sup at the trough really take their jobs seriously?

    Perhaps the answer ‘corrupt’ said it all.