New Senate Leadership Team

Filed in National by on June 24, 2009

It would appear that everyone moves up a rung on the ladder. Per WDEL, current Senate Majority Leader Tony DeLuca will become President Pro Tem, current Senate Majority Whip Patty Blevins will become Majority Leader and Senator Margaret Rose Henry will be the new Majority Whip. No word on if this is temporary until the end of the session or not.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Our General Assembly expert, ‘Bulo, notes that this move is most likely temporary, because members cannot both serve in leadership and as a member of JFC.

  2. This makes sense for now. I assume they’ll have to revisit the leadership roles after the special election for Adams’s seat.

  3. mike hunt says:

    All upstate, none downstate…what’s up with that

  4. xstryker says:

    Congratulations Senator Henry!!! (She is my Senator)

  5. PI says:

    The leadership will reign through to the next general election.

  6. Anon. says:

    Told you last night it would be those three in that order.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    How could you have ever known???

    Perhaps I’ll see you down there on Tuesday.

  8. Anonomous says:

    Geek, if I am please introduce yourself. Thanks