Delaware Liberal

We Are All Human, Unless Some of Us Pretend We Are Not.

Following up on my original post this afternoon, Daily Kos diarist Liberality echoes my main point of anger concerning Mark “Cry for Me in Argentina” Sanford, but says it better:

Gov. Sanford, on the other hand, does not have our sympathy. Not because of his adultery, but because of his hypocrisy. You want the gloating to stop? Then get your fucking noses out of our bodies and our bedrooms.

I’m talking about marriage equality and equal rights for gay people. I’m talking about abortion. I’m talking about the utterly absurd waste of time that is abstinence-only education by the government (you can teach your own kids any damn thing you want).


As long as you guys think it is your business and your right to try to force the rest of us to conform to the sexual mores of your particular perversion of Christianity, you can expect to get your noses rubbed in it with relish and glee every time you show that you don’t think the rules you want to apply to everyone else should apply to you.


You don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same sex. You don’t like abortion? Don’t get one. You think the only thing kids should be told about sex is to keep it in their pants? Tell your kids that, but don’t waste my money or my kids’ time on that nonsense. Once you do that, I promise we won’t care who Republicans have sex with.

Yes, Mark Sanford’s affair ties directly into conservative, and especially social conservative, opposition to such bills like SB 121, where they oppose it because it would interfere with their “religious” right to discriminate against gay people.

If Mark Sanford were a social libertarian instead of a social conservative, I would not have cared less about this affair, for at least then he would not be a hypocrite.

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