Rush Blames Sanford’s Affair on Obama

Filed in National by on June 27, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, leader the of National Republican Party, blames President Obama for pushing Gov. Sanford to edge — “it’s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under”.

h/t again to Ed Brayton’s Dispatches from the Culture Wars.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Phil says:

    Wow….saying there are frustrated americans at Obama is one thing, but a Gov. going to Argentina for a bang session is just…wow.

  2. pandora says:

    And they wonder why everyone is laughing at them.

  3. Brian says:

    This is just depressing.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Rush isn’t even especially original at this.

    Barack Obama Stole Your New Bicycle (hit refresh a few times to see the joke.)

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Obama became President on January 20, 2009. Sanford’s affair began nearly a year (or more) before that.

    But facts are not important to Republicans, and neither is taking responsibility for their own actions.

  6. In fairness to Rush, that is not what he said. Listen to it. He was referring to the frustration that led him to just jet out of country without the protocols that he went through 100 times before not the affair. He referenced the fact that the paper had the emails.

    It was obvious that the governor took his defeat hard. The staff said that.

    I don’t know that it is fair to say that it is President Obama’s fault. He is just doing what he promised to do. I am NOT going there.

    All I am saying is that you are mistaken in your characterization of his remarks DD.

  7. Rebecca says:

    I’m getting concerned about you! I’m being a concern troll here.

    It is a gorgeous day outside. There’s a ton of things you could be doing that have to be more fun than showing up here to natter with us liberals.

    Get out from in front of your computer and go have some fun.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Oh, ok, so the Governor going AWOL and neglecting his own duties is Obama’s fault. My comments stand.

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    My comments do too DD.

  10. Hey, I do agree that only one man is at fault. We used to call it personal responsibility.

  11. xstryker says:

    I don’t know that it is fair to say that it is President Obama’s fault.

    The sheer scope of what you don’t know never ceases to amaze me, David. Call this a hunch, but I think you know exactly whether or not it’s fair to say.

  12. I was just being polite to the titular head of the party. See the comment before yours.

  13. Hee hee, head of the Republican Party.

    Is the Republican Party reduced to the party of whining victims? We don’t focus on Rush because we are scared of him. We look at Rush because he’s a joke, yet so influential in the Republican Party. In a way I think he’s a genius, he definitely knows what his audience wants to hear. But telling people that it’s not their fault, it’s their perceived enemy’s fault does not lead to a governing strategy.

  14. Speaking of Sanford, did you catch the story on Jenny Sanford?

    “I was hoping he was on the Appalachian Trail. But I was not worried about his safety. I was hoping he was doing some real soul searching somewhere and devastated to find out it was Argentina. It’s tragic.”

    South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford sat in her oceanfront living room Friday, recalling how her husband repeatedly asked permission to visit his lover in the months after she discovered his affair.

    “I said absolutely not. It’s one thing to forgive adultery; it’s another thing to condone it,” Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press.

    So, Sanford really wasn’t trying to save his marriage. Another juicy revelation is the the emails leaked to The State were from Sanford’s girlfriend’s other boyfriend.

  15. callerRick says:

    “Blame it on the Bossa-Nova…..”