John Kowalko has been fighting tooth and nail with the Governor (against the across-the-board pay cuts) and against the Republicans that don’t think that we should increase a single tax (even a small tax on alcohol and a larger one on cigarettes). But now, it’s crunch time. By midnight Tuesday they need to have a solution.
This administration has unfortunately chosen to misrepresent “fairness of burden sharing” and refused to address the avenue of seeking relief from the wealthier corporations in Delaware. It seems apparent that the News Journal has decided to ignore the reality of the discourse and only publish the slanted, fear-inducing perspective that misreprersents reality. An honest accounting of all sides and positions being taken in this debate would better serve the interests of all the people and businesses of Delaware rather than a selective attempt to influence and distort the reality of this very serious problem.
Specifically, he is asking for a correction from the News Journal, which seems to be taking liberties with the facts.
Your recent article on “Tax Hikes” in the Sunday News Journal presents a false, misleading and harmful slant as to my motives in fighting the proposed State salary cuts and supporting tax increases. My wife has never been a public school teacher nor does she receive a state pension. She works in the private sector and no one in my family works as a state employee other than my position as a legislator.
I am not retired, nor eligible for any pension. My motive in fighting for a true “fair shairing” of the pain is a responsible look at economic consequences of our actions. I also stated to the reporter that we must look at revenue contributions from the corporate sector first, not from individuals. The corporations that I referred to are 1500 of the richest companies incorporated in Delaware with a minimal stock asset value of $660 million. I would be curious to see the family incomes and connections of all those other persons quoted in the article.
It’s on.