Isn’t It Romantic?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2009

Lost in all the hubbub yesterday was the newest Mark Sanford revelations:

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says he “crossed lines” with a handful of women other than his mistress – but never had sex with them.

The governor says he “never crossed the ultimate line” with anyone but Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine at the center of a scandal that has derailed Sanford’s once-promising political career.

During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he’s trying to fall back in love with his wife.

He says that during the other encounters he “let his guard down” with some physical contact but ”didn’t cross the sex line.” He wouldn’t go into detail.

It depends on what the definition of “is” is, amirite?

What about this one?

During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he’s trying to fall back in love with his wife.

Yeah, I’m sure Jenny Sanford is aching to reconcile with a prize like Mark Sanford.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    First mate?
    Date Mate?
    Soul mate?


    Outta here……

  2. jason330 says:

    During an emotional interview at his Statehouse office with The Associated Press on Tuesday, Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he’s trying to fall back in love with his wife.

    ….so he bought her a vacuum cleaner for her birthday.

  3. anon says:

    Sanford said Chapur is his soul mate but he’s trying to fall back in love with his wife.

    I don’t think there is even a Hallmark card for that.

  4. anonone says:

    Poor kids.

    Hopefully, they’ll all grow up to be liberal activists.

  5. PI says:

    Oh Mark, please…I know we can put our marriage back together….right after I get checked for STD’s, you bastard! GFY!

  6. anon says:

    There ain’t nothing that a boy can do
    When he’s got the fever for a girl

  7. pandora says:

    Just when you think this situation couldn’t become anymore embarrassing…

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    If he weren’t an egotistical politician and a Christian hypocrite he would have left his wife, arranged proper child support and alimony if necessary (I think his wife has a JD from Georgetown so perhaps this isn’t needed), and moved to Argentina.

    Marriage is about love. If you need to convince yourself to fall back into love just give up. It’s ridiculous. You only get to walk around the earth a very brief time. Don’t waste it “working” at marriage. The point of a relationship with someone is to be happy and content together. I certain am not happy at work.

    People have this outdated notions about things and they have never really explored why they think what they think. It is just accepted as gospel truth that “marriage is hard”. We should stay together “for the children”. Nonsense.

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    Marriage…the hardest work you’ll ever love?

  10. Does anyone have their Sex Ed manual from 10th grade? El Somnambulo is trying to figure out the difference between ‘crossing the line’ and ‘crossing the ultimate line’. Was the family pooch off limits?

    ‘Bulo guesses it means that having a dutiful Christian wife and some Tail from the Pampas wasn’t enough. He had to play grab-ass at work.
    How soon ’til he’s headed to Celebrity Rehab? ‘Bulo’s over/under is Friday.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Bulo–I’m looking….let me see…petting…heavy petting….line….crossing the line….oh wait….sorry Bulo, my brother graduated behind me…some chapters are missing……

  12. callerRick says:

    He could use some lessons from Clinton about how to con your wife, crying on cue……and lying, of course.

    “I did not have sex with that woman…..”

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    That was in the next edition.

  14. pandora says:

    Still about the hypocrisy. Something about people in glass houses and stone throwing…

  15. Dorian Gray says:

    @JC #9… was that a rhetorical question or a joke? Sounds like some foolish Dr. Phil mantra for midwestern dipshits.

  16. ‘Bulo claims copyright infringement. “Dr. Phil Mantra for Midwestern Dipshits” was gonna be the title of his next album. If you like the Boss, you’ll love the Beast Who Serenades. Discerning critics are especially high on his “Born to Vamosa” disc.

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    No DG..I’m w/ you at #8.

    Midwestern? Sorry–old Peace Corp slogan–back in the day….

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    ‘bulo, I’ll waive any claim to it if I get an autographed copy… of the 8-track.

    JC – I see! Glad we see eye to eye. Peace Corp, huh. Did you go or do you just remember the slogan?