Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo’s 4th of July Music for the Masses

“Hey-y-y, baby, it’s the 4th of July”


Dave Alvin-  “4th of July”

“What a waste of gunpowder and sky…”


Aimee Mann-  “4th of July”

“Sandy, the fireworks are hailin’ over Little Eden tonight…”




Bruce Springsteen-  “4th of July,  Asbury Park (Sandy)”

And, because the Beast Who Slumbers was into Bruce from the beginning, and b/c he wants to show all you doubting youngsters out there that the Boss really was ‘all that’, he will close with two of his all-time fave Springsteen songs that were performed back to back at a memorable concert in Passaic, New Jersey in September of 1978. The segue from the first song into the second (he’ll keep it a surprise) never fails to send chills through ‘bulo’s body:

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

Robert Christgau probably said it best about the Bruce of this era: “He may not be God yet, but his sleeveless T-shirt is in the ring.”

Happy 4th, everybody!!

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