Obama on Patriotism

Filed in National by on July 4, 2009

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Delaware Republican says:

    Independence Day, the day Liberals hate the most. Why?

    Liberals at all cost want the government to assume a larger and larger role in every aspect of American life. Independence Day is about Freedom, Liberty and Opportunity and Liberals are about government programs, dependence and hating anyone who achieves anything.

    Pres Obama never gives a speech, he reads lines on a machine. A totally incompetent man devoid of any leadership abilities.

    Mike Protack

  2. cassandra m says:

    A totally incompetent man devoid of any leadership abilities.

    I think that this applies to you, Mr. Shallow Bench. Remind us again what offices you’ve won? Heck, you can start with reminding us whether your own party sees you as either competent or a font of leadership abilities.

  3. nemski says:

    It’s obvious that Mike Protack, leader of the Delaware Republican Party, did not even listen to this speech, because me thinks he would agree with most of it.

  4. anonone says:

    Back in 1776, it was the liberals who started the revolution. The conservatives wanted to stay a part of Britain.

    Mike Protack, Leader of the Delaware Republican Party, would have definitely been a monarchist.

  5. Progressive Mom says:

    It’s good to know that, even on this national holiday, Republican talking points are still on the job and at work!!

    And Happy Independence Day to all at Delaware Liberal!

    (And, while you are watching those fireworks tonight, remember the words are not “Be kind to your web-footed friends.” Sousa himself wrote:)
    Hurrah for the flag of the free.
    May it wave as our standard forever
    The gem of the land and the sea,
    The banner of the right.
    Let despots remember the day
    When our fathers with might endeavor
    Proclaimed as they marched to the fray,
    That by their might and by their right
    It waves forever.
    (“Stars and Stripes Forever”, Sousa, 1897)

  6. Tom S says:

    If I was Joe Biden, I’d plagiarize something profound here…