Delaware Liberal

Chaos Theory?

There’s a certain deliberate chaos to the Obama Administration.  Whether we’re discussing the stimulus, health care or cap and trade, there’s a method – and the method appears to be create diversions while quietly staying on track behind the scenes.  Now, I’m not claiming this will work, but I also don’t think that statements like Rahm Emanuel’s health care trigger option or Harry Reid suddenly developing a spine are simply off the cuff responses.  The on message/off message scenarios come across as a game of good cop/bad cop which leave everyone scratching their heads.

And, yes, it is exhausting and nerve racking.  But is it smart politics?  To which I answer… only time will tell.

What I do know (and we all learned during the Democratic Primary and Presidential Campaign) is that Obama plays the long game which is fortunate since Republicans seem only capable of playing Whack-A-Mole.  I also know that Emanuel isn’t a loose cannon and Reid apparently took a trip to the woodshed.  So is the chaos deliberate? And, if so, is it smart?

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