The Amazon River ….

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009

is 11 million years old, but the Earth is only 6,000 years old. So how do our idiotic theocratic conservatives reconcile this? I suppose the Amazon River was just floating through deep space for 10,994,000 years until God picked it up and put it on the Earth, right?

Makes sense.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    The problem with theocrats is that they take the creation story in the Book of Genesis literally, and they view God and science as mutually exclusive.

    As was mentioned in the Scopes Monkey trial, does it necessarily follow that a day in the creation story was a 24 hour day as we know it today, or rather, was it just a descriptive term for a period of time? Even if you do take the Bible literally, it is necessary to define the terms here. What was a day back in the creation of time?

  2. anon says:

    What was a day back in the creation of time?

    6000 years ago, Earth’s rotation was pretty much the same as today.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, but was the creation of time 6,000 years ago? Or did the first days of creation take several billion years?

  4. anon says:

    The Genesis story accounts for the creation of Earth, but assumes a pre-existing formless universe, with no explanation for its origin. So I guess that part is left to science.

  5. anon says:

    It is true that when thinking about cosmology, you cannot assume time is a constant. However I think creationists have abused this concept.

  6. Delaware Dem says:


    “When God began to create heaven and earth, and the earth then was welter and waste and darkness over the deep and God’s breath hovering over the waters, God said, ‘Let there be light.’ and there was light.”

    So on the first day, there was no light. No sun. So how long did that first day last before God completed creating the sun?

    My point is we don’t know. It is arrogant presumption to assume that it a day back then, even if you take the Bible literally, was 24 hours.

  7. I sure got in trouble in Sunday school by asking where God came from. Creationists get very picky about universe origins and life origins, saying that not having the sequence down to the microsecond (yet) means that God did it. They don’t have the same standards for their own beliefs. Funny, that.

  8. anon says:

    Fundamentalists have to keep retreating as science advances. Evolution and the formation of the solar system are pretty much a done deal, so fighting them is an irrational act of faith.

    Fundies can still claim mystical origins for human consciousness, and the origin of the universe. Until we find better explanations. The observational techniques are still in their infancy.