Delaware Liberal

Castle Tells Palin to Stay Away.

From The Hill:

Republicans facing tough elections in 2010 don’t want Sarah Palin campaigning with them. Though the soon-to-be-former Alaska governor is seen as popular with the conservative grass roots, several Republicans said she’d help them by staying home in Wasilla.
Several Republicans running for statewide office over the next two years in areas where Obama is popular suggested Palin could hurt the party’s candidates. Centrist Republican Rep. Mike Castle (Del.) said that Palin’s polarizing views, coupled with her surprise decision to resign with 18 months left in her term, would make it difficult to ask for her help.

“I think the combination of her being very conservative and the fact that what she did has concerned some of us would mean that people may be hesitant about having her in [to campaign],” said Castle, who is considering a bid for Senate in 2010.

Didn’t the Hill bury the lead here? Did Castle just confirm that he was running? Otherwise, why would he care about Sarah Palin coming to Delaware? Indeed, if he does not run, the rank and file of the Delaware GOP, including the most likely replacement candidate, Christine O’Whackjob, would love to have Palin campaign in the state. And if he is running, isn’t he further antagonizing his supposed base of support?

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