Delaware Liberal

Valley Swim Club Invites Kids Back To Pool

Earlier this week we read about the Valley Swim Club in Philadelphia which turned away 65 mostly African-American kids from a day camp. Today the Valley Swim Club announced that they were reversing the decision.

Duesler said the club canceled its contract with the Creative Steps day-care because of safety, crowding and noise concerns, not racism.

“As long as we can work out safety issues, we’d like to have them back,” she told CNN.

She said the club has been subpoenaed by the state Human Rights Commission, which has begun a fact-finding investigation, “and the legal advice was to try to get together with these camps, ” Duesler added.

Club director John Duesler told CNN that he had underestimated the amount of children who would participate, and the club was unable to supervise that many kids. He called his club “very diverse,” and said it had offered to let day camps in the Philadelphia area use his facility after budget cuts forced some pools in the area to close.

Wright has rejected the camp’s contention that the swim club’s pool was overcrowded. The club had accepted a 10-to-1 ratio of children to adults and was considering adding up to three lifeguards, according to e-mails obtained by CNN.

I’m glad the kids will get a happy ending. I don’t know if this would have occurred without the attention that this story received.

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