Delaware Liberal

Classic Protack from 2006

Yello Elephant, Ryan S documented this Protack appearance the University of Delaware in 2006 when he was running against Jan Ting.

As you read this, consider the fact that he would have beaten Ting if Christine O’Whackjob didn’t skim off a handful of his voters.


After a short recess, Mike Protack was given the floor, and that is where the meeting took an interesting turn. Protack laid out his message, focusing on what he deems to be the big issues of 2006, health care and pensions. Protack talked heavily on re-facing the Republican Party, especially about reaching out to labor unions, and trying to fight for the “working man.” Sounds a little too much like the Democrats if you ask me. Apparently, some of the College Republicans in the audience agreed, and asked Protack several pointed questions, both about his positions, and some of his claims.

One member disagreed with him when he said that “most jobs do not require documentation to get.” She countered this point with facts that in her five jobs, she had to present documentation to get all of them, in various places, including resteraunts. She said that Protack’s statement was misleading, and called him on it, causing him to stammer and try to qualify his answer. She then accused him of dodging the question. Others accused Protack of not exciting the base, and questioning what they called a deluding of values to try to reach out to the middle, rather than the base. In response to that, Protack said something reminiscent of John Kerry in 2004, claiming that his conservative positions were all on his website. Yet another questioned him dilligently on his call for national healthcare. If Mike Protack cannot handle a group of self-identified Republicans in college, how can he expect to do against an established Democratic politician?

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