Delaware Liberal

Late Night Oddity: Fox Goes Birther

Fox News reports on the challenge of a wingnut soldier against deployment to Afghanistan like it’s real news and a real issue for Obama. It isn’t. Psssst…Fox, don’t encourage the fringe crazies, it hurts your credibility. Not that they had much credibility anyway.

And for crazy anon, here’s his birth certificate and birth announcement.

Update 7/15/09 4:31 PM The soldier in question has lost his civilian job. Apparently he worked for a DOD contractor and he can’t continue without his security clearance. (Cue the conspiracy theorists)

I expected a court-martial, an Article 15, stripping him of rank, dishonorable discharge, etc., etc. I was thinking strictly in terms of military consequences. How silly I was.

As it turns out, Maj. Cook was a reservist, employed in civilian life by a DOD contractor, Simtech, Inc. We are all aware that his military command has revoked his deployment orders, telling him that he’s not wanted anymore. But that’s not all. Today (or yesterday, it’s hard to tell on the Freeper and WingNutDaily sites), Maj. Cook was informed that the DOD has also advised Simtech that he is no longer welcome at the DOD facility where Simtech was performing services, and as a result, Simtech doesn’t have a job for Maj. Cook anymore.

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