Inside Baseball Story on Castle’s Cap & Trade Vote Provides Even More Tea Leaves

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2009

Just click through and read the whole “the hill” story.

There are some classic Castle moments. For example, how many times have we seen him this kind of courageous stand on a bil?

“Even voting for it, I was 51-49 percent because I never was convinced that was a particularly good piece of legislation,” Castle said.

Vintage Castle right there. “I voted for it, but it was flawed.” will be engraved on his tombstone. The thing is – this time his buddy John Bohenr is calling his lying ass out.

GOP leaders tell a different story.

Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) says that he did talk to Castle about voting no on the Democrats’ cap-and-trade bill.

And a GOP leadership aide familiar with the Republican whipping effort said, “Mr. Castle and his office were contacted a number of times and were whipped throughout the week. Leadership received the same answer with every conversation and contact: Mr. Castle was a ‘yes’ vote on the cap-and-trade legislation.”

The Republican staffer said leadership asked Castle to “hold his vote until the very end of the 15-minute vote to make passage of this legislation harder for the Democrats. Curiously for an undecided member, he was one of the first Republicans” to register his support on the floor.

Burning bridges in the house, Castle then makes a head-fake toward the Senate.

The Senate, Castle said, has a lot of appeal. “You’re one of 100, and if you want to get something done, the likelihood goes up tremendously,” he said. “I think that one individual can actually make a difference.”

Castle has not set a firm timetable, but said he must make a final decision “pretty soon.

What a joke.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Belinsky says:

    This is the Mike Castle of legend. He knows that Boehner is a cretin and has no desire to work in his dank sweatshop any longer.

  2. No, Boehner and many others (44 dems) thought the bill was flawed and it is. The Senate will stop it dead.

    Mr. Castle’s vote was very unfortunate and very flawed.

    Cap and Trade has never worked except as a means to raise taxes.

    Mike Protack

  3. Geezer says:

    Considering that it is, indeed, a tax, then you’re saying it would work as intended. Man, you’re a moron. To prove it, you clearly missed the news that 44 Dems voted against it because that’s how many votes they had to spare. If Castle had voted no, 43 Dems would have voted against it.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    And I will remind people again that Cap and Trade for SO2 was more successful than predicted. There are multiple companies still in the business of buying and selling these allowances and even a few non-profits buying allowances to retire them.

    So all the naysayers have are the usual suspects ginning up the usual fear. There is no reason (other than the government giving away too many allowances) why a carbon allowances trading scheme shouldn’t work. We already have experiences that indicate that it certainly will.

  5. Geezer says:

    If it makes free-marketers feel better, this is actually a Republican way of raising the tax on energy. The Democratic way would have been straight taxes.

  6. farsider says:

    Co2 and So2 are completely different. To believe the same solution will function the same is foolish. When we will all get a personal carbon tax to compensate for our exhalation ? How about a pet tax to handle dog fars? Progressive of course from cats to pot-belly pigs. With this you can say goodbye to our manufacturing base – it will simply move to the many many countries too smart to play the game where they will churn out merchandise for us to purchase, and as much carbon as it takes.

  7. farsider says:

    And now Gore wants to go after carbon in soil. Now the ground is killing us, oh no there is carbon everywhere we look:

    (1) “There is three times as much carbon [sic] in the first two meters of soil than there is in all of the world’s vegetation.”
    (2) “Soil is the third-largest natural store of carbon in the world after the oceans and fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.”
    (3) The misuse of land through over-farming, desertification, and “the burning of peatland…is responsible for as much as 30 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions, more than either deforestation, power generation or transport.”

  8. cassandra_m says:

    So farsider represents today’s example of why people should talk abut what they know. Come back when you know exactly:

    — the carbon sources that are covered by cap and trade (hint: it is none of the ones you cite)
    — what soil carbon sequestration actually is

    Otherwise, forever be known as another know-nothing idiot.

  9. farsider says:

    Oh cass, what they are covering now is just the beginning. They will get to animals and the rest of it in time.

  10. Geezer says:

    “Co2 and So2 are completely different.”

    So what? The taxation principle under discussion is the same. As for the rest, you merely show your ignorance. As others noted, come back when you know what you’re talking about.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    What I want to know is why farsider and his ilk think that the conspiracy theories and fearmongering actually has any currency outside of his Glen Beck cult circle?

  12. farsider says:

    I can appreciate how hard it must be to see the obvious – while looking through the wool pulled over your eyes. I am not claiming any conspiracy – the plans and direction intended is being done out in the open. It just that the climate change supporters numbers just don’t add up. This is a foolhardy, expensive and in the end utterly pointless gesture which will undoubtedly harm the economy and do nothing for the ecology.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    Yeah, yeah — that’s what they said about capping SO2 and NOX emissions too.

    They also said the same thing about seat belts, catalytic converters and raising the minimum wage. Being so wrong must be fun for you guys, especially since you produce no data — just the fearmongering and conspiracy theories.

  14. farsider says:

    We now have seat belts, converters and a raised minimum wage, we have bankrupt car companies and rampant and rising unemployment. How is it exactly that we got it wrong ?

  15. jason330 says:

    Man you are stupid. Did you hear that on wingnut radio or come up with that all by yourself?

    Guess what ? Toyota is profitable in spite of the crazy seat belts they are forced to include.

  16. farsider says:

    One profitable company left. Nice job.

  17. jason330 says:

    You are far too stupid to reply to. Bye Bye.

  18. Tom S says:

    Absolutely right…Mike should be more like Joe and plagiarize his comments…though I’m not sure where he got his spend more to save more comment.