Filed in International by on July 16, 2009

How do the rich and powerful make it by in this unfair country?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    It is a mystery. I think it has something to do with Ayn Rand.

  2. the cajun says:

    Simple…Be-jeweled knee pads and open mouth.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Maybe there is a God?

  4. anon says:

    Binge drinking?

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Move it to an off-shore account?

  6. No, it is called education, hard work and a stable personal life. Things alien to liberals.

    Mike Protack

  7. Geezer says:

    “No, it is called education, hard work and a stable personal life. Things alien to liberals.”€

    Irony-rich diet today, eh, Mike? It’s well-documented that you hate the rich guys who run the Delaware GOP, yet you think they got all that money through education, hard work and a stable personal life. Priceless.

  8. Geezer,

    Get a brain. I have spoken endlessly about the lack of direction of the Delaware GOP but it has nothing to do with hatred, that is a Liberal way to do things.

    When the Delaware GOP started to go south twenty years ago the state did also. It is critical to have a viable message, a more current messenger and relevance to voters. Now, we can barely staff a 338 delegate annual convention.

    Too bad you focus on inherited wealth as if somehow that limits your ability to prosper, it doesn’t but it provides liberals a convenient place to shed a tear and make excuses for their individual failures.

    By the way,the Dems have more rich people. Bob Rubin who got paid over $100 million over 8 years to advise a company which imploded? Or Barbara Streisand who hates people who make money unless it is her.

    Priceless is a stable family, a good education and hard work. Your unwillingness to understand that fact is pretty sad.

    Mike Protack

  9. anoni says:

    simple, they buy Democrats in washington.

  10. jason330 says:

    Prediction: Protack is running for something.

    Bonus Prediction: Protack will lose.

  11. Geezer says:

    Mike, your jealousy and hatred of them — as well as Alan Levin, who inherited something and made something much bigger of it — came through loud and clear in every pink postcard.

    Do yourself a favor and stop saying “liberals do this, liberals do that.” You don’t know a fucking thing about them — or any other human beings, either. You should hear what people who have dealt with you over the years say about you. It isn’t pretty.

  12. Andy says:

    Remember Mike The Republicans screwed you out of your pension

  13. Dave M. says:

    It looks like Mike wants to legislate stable families? How about legislating happiness? How do one legislate an undefinable concept? Pretty sure one do not do it as a one-man party.